Part 3 Transmission Media & EM Propagations
Provides the connection between the transmitter and receiver. 1.Pair of wires – carry electric signal. 2.Optical fiber – carries the information on a modulated light beam. 3.Free space – information-bearing signal is radiated by antenna
Signal transmission problem additive noise – generated internally by components used to implement the communication system. Interference from other users of the channel.
Minimizing noise effects ◦ Increasing the power of transmitted signal. Constraint ◦ Limited power level ◦ Channel bandwidth availability
Channels Wire lines Wireless electromagnetic Fiber optics Underwater acoustic
Wire Lines Channel ◦ Signals transmitted are distorted in both amplitude and phase. – corrupted by noise. ◦ Carry a large percentage of daily communication around the world.
Twisted pair Coaxial cable
Fiber Optics Channel ◦ Low signal attenuation ◦ Highly reliable photonic devices ◦ Large bandwidth available ◦ Services : voice, data facsimile and video ◦ Tx – light source (e.g. LED, laser) ◦ Rx – photodiode ◦ Noise source : photodiodes & amplifiers
Wireless Electromagnetic Channels ◦ Electromagnetic energy is coupled to the propagation medium by antenna (radiator) ◦ Antenna size & configuration – Frequency of operation ◦ Efficient radiation – antenna longer than 1/10 λ
Example A radio station transmitting in AM frequency band, f c = 1MHz, λ = 300 m, requires antenna at least 30 m.
Various frequency bands of the electromagnetic spectrum
◦ Ground-wave propagation ◦ Sky-wave propagation ◦ Line-of-sight (LOS)
Surface-wave propagation Dominant mode of propagation Frequency band: 0.3 – 3 MHz Applications: AM broadcasting, maritime radio broadcasting Disturbances for signal transmission: atmospheric noise, man-made noise, thermal noise.
Transmitted signals being reflected from ionosphere Frequency : above 30 MHz Little loss Problem : Signal Multipath Application : Satellite communications
VHF band and higher Limited by curvature of earth Problem : Thermal noise (Rx front end) Cosmic noise (pick-up by antenna) Application: A TV antenna mounted on a tower of 300 m height to provide a broad coverage area (67km)
Underwater acoustic channels ◦ EM waves do not propagate over long distances under water except at extremely low frequencies ◦ Expensive – because of the large and powerful transmitters required ◦ Problem : Attenuation – skin depth
Multipath channel – signals reflections from the surface and the bottom of the sea. Noise : ambient ocean acoustic noise, man-made acoustic noise