Our Vision & Mission 1 OUR MISSION Advancing health and wellbeing for you and your family OUR VISION To become a Foundation Trust with a passion for quality, integration & excellence
Our Objectives 2 We will continuously improve quality and safety, with services shaped from user and carer experience, audit and research. We will deliver our financial plans and transform our estate and information technology. We will maximise opportunities to deliver the best possible integrated care in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. We will attract, retain and develop a diverse, capable and flexible workforce We will build our reputation as a successful, transparent and inclusive organisation, working in partnership to improve health and wellbeing
3 A passion for quality & excellence PATIENT EXPERIENCE SAFE CARE EFFECTIVE CARE REGULATION LPT Quality Strategy
4 Patient Experience Service users and carers will be treated with dignity, respect and compassion, by kind and helpful staff. Care will be a collaborative experience in which service users and carers are involved and treated as partners. Individual rights will always be protected and championed and diversity will be respected. Safe Care Our staff will be supported and empowered to deliver the safest possible care through the highest levels of professionalism. We will learn from things that do not go well and make changes to ensure that mistakes are not repeated. Effective Care To ensure that we have an established process for assessing and demonstrating the effectiveness of services and reporting this to Quality Assurance Committee, Trust Board and stakeholders Regulation Compliance Minimum requirements and fundamental standards should be delivered, and any risks to non-delivery should be escalated and actions put in place to rectify in line with our risk management arrangements. Our Quality Expectations
5 Our Quality Pillars
LPT Responsibilities for Quality Ensure that the organisation is striving for continuous quality improvement and outcomes in every service: 2.Ensure that every member of staff that has contact with patients, or whose actions directly impact on patient care, is motivated and enabled to deliver effective, safe and person‐centred care 3.Ensure that fundamental standards of quality and safety are at a minimum, being met by every service that the organisation delivers
Our Governance Framework 7 STRATEGY LPT Integrated Business Plan Service User & Carer Involvement Strategy Diversity, Equality & Human Rights Plan Annual Business Plan OD Straetgy CAPABILITIES & CULTURE Board Leadership Organisation & Individual Roles & Accountability Review of Capabilities Learning Organisation PROCESS & STRUCTURE Quality Assurance Committee Board Assurance Framework Divisional & Service Quality Structure Quality Strategy aligned to Integrated Quality & Performance Report (IQPR) Performance reviews Board Assurance Framework Risk Management MEASUREMENT IQPR/CQC Compliance National Reports & Data e.g. QRP Key Performance Indicators Patient Reported Measures Staff Reported Measures Clinical audit programme Exec Walkrounds Comissioner Reviews Quality Account
8 LPT INTEGRATED GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE BOARD COMMITTEES, SUB-COMMITTEES AND THEIR GROUPS Quality Assurance Committee Finance and Performance Committee Workforce and OD Committee Healthy Organisation Group Learning and Development Group MHA Assurance Group Clinical Effectiveness Group Safeguarding Committee Infection Prevention & Control Committee Patient Safety Group Health & Safety Committee Policy Group Patient and Carer Experience Group Missing Patient & Violence Risk Reduction Group MHA Clinical Forum Medical Devices Medicines Management Group Resuscitation Group Falls Group Prescribing Group Audit and Assurance Committee CPA Standards Group Remuneration Committee Charitable Funds
9 Patient Stories will be presented to the Trust Board on a regular basis to enable first-hand accounts of the service to be considered and acted on Divisions will implement the ‘Changing Your experience for the better ‘‘ programme across all services, feedback changes, and the Friends and family Test (FFT) implemented trust wide in line with national expectations A review of the Trust approach to dealing with complaints and managing concerns undertaken in line with Clwyd review. Develop a range of methods to ensure patient, carers, stakeholders and the public can provide feedback to the organisation and influence its direction of travel. Patient Experience Strategic Objectives
10 Full implementation of the Trust Quality Improvement Plan. The Trust will have a dashboard of patient safety metrics that reports from point of care to Trust Board. The Trust will have a system that allows for learning and demonstrating changes from patient safety incidents, patient feedback and carer feedback. The trust will evidence learning and improvements in patient safety. Safe Care Strategic Objectives
11 The Trust will a have an established clinical audit programme that reflects annual priorities (patient safety, experience and evidence) The Trust will have systems in place to systematically evidence compliance with NICE guidance and the NHS outcomes frameworks as they apply to our services. Divisional, evidence based outcomes detailed in the Trust Quality Account. Implement national guidance from bodies such as NICE and NHS England, monitor compliance, identify where there is none/partial compliance in exception circumstances and take corrective action Effective Care Strategic Objectives
12 The Trust will review its system for ensuring compliance with CQC regulations. Divisions will have in place an established process to demonstrate ongoing compliance with CQC and MH Act requirements. The Trust will have a system in place to ensure timely production of the Quality account that encompasses divisional performance and is agreed by the Quality Assurance Committee and Trust Board. The Trust will establish a process to monitor compliance with regulation, escalate risks to maintenance of compliance and assure that implementation of plans to maintain compliance are managed. Regulation Strategic Objectives