1 The Statistical Issues and Interests of the Korean women owned SMEs Republic of Korea The Small and Medium Business Administration
2 Contents 3 Introduction 3 The Progress of the Survey 3 Results and Limitations 3 Proposals for Further Improvements
The Small and Medium Business Administration 3 Introduction Contribution of women-owned business to national economy - No. of employment and establishments etc.
The Small and Medium Business Administration 4 Traditional industry sectors favored by women entrepreneurs : Hotels & Restaurant and Wholesale & retail trade - Emerging new sectors such as S/W, ICT and e- commerce Government recognizes the importance of women entrepreneurs - introducing an Act, June starting the survey on women owned businesses, Nov. 1999
The Small and Medium Business Administration 5 Progress of the Survey Since 1999, survey on women-owned business been done biannually
The Small and Medium Business Administration 6 Limitations Inconsistency of parent population - leaving incomplete and incomparable data Low retrieval rate and high rejection rate - causing extra labor, time and cost Low credibility of answers in financial performance - threatening the whole credibility of the survey
The Small and Medium Business Administration 7 Inconsistency with other surveys Name of the Survey (frequency) Sample Population Scope (No. of workers) Sectors (ISICS) Fact finding survey on women SMEs Women owned businesses1 ~ 299 B ~ J, L, M, Q, R Fact finding survey on SMEs Business in manufacturing industry 5 ~ 299D Analysis of financial data Business whose turnover exceeds 1 bill. KRW 5 ~ 299 B ~ J, L, M, Q, R Financial statement analysis Legal entities whose turnover exceeds 2 bill. KRW 1 ~ no restriction B ~ J, L, M, Q, R
The Small and Medium Business Administration 8 Inconsistency within the survey
The Small and Medium Business Administration 9 1st Stage : Making Contact
The Small and Medium Business Administration 10 2st Stage : Retrieval Questionnaire
The Small and Medium Business Administration 11 Financial Performance (Ordinary profit to equity)
The Small and Medium Business Administration 12 Further improvements Develop a population data base that covers the whole demography of SMEs for all surveys - make stratification of population as close as possible with that of already existing SMEs surveys Utilize already available DB so that get rid of redundancy in the questionnaire as much as possible
The Small and Medium Business Administration 13 Further improvements Elaborate on the questionnaire to make it more respondent friendly by incorporating the specific feature of women entrepreneurs Provide accounting S/W for SMEs to get familiar with filing financial statement Return some value to participating respondents