Authoring and Publishing Your BPK 375 Project Web Page
How the web works for you Your Computer (Fraser) Your access into the WWW using your SFU ID Internet Server World Wide Web The Internet World-wide interconnection of computers Internet Browser Explorer Netscape Interprets HTML text file Create a web Page Produce HTML text file Transfer HTML text file on to Your web Page is visible to the WWW
BPK 375 Term Project Submission & Marking Guidelines Submission Deadlines 1.Term Project Abstract pdf ed by Thursday Nov 12 th Noon to project co-ordinator Laura Dewar 2.Printed Term Project Research Paper submitted at beginning of Thursday Nov 19 th lecture 3.Project URL ed to Laura Dewar by Thursday Nov 19 th Noon 4.Web Site published by Thursday Noon Dec 3rd
BPK 375 Term Project Submission & Marking Guidelines PART I: Abstract – 10 marks Introduction – 1 mark Body – 6 marks Conclusions – 1 mark PART II: The full paper (due one week after submission of your abstract) – 100 marks Title page – 5 marks Introductory section on your topic – 10 marks Body of the topic – 60 marks Conclusion – 10 marks References – 10 marks Spelling/grammar, double spacing – 5 marks PART III: Web Page Production and Publishing – 20 marks Sending Project URL to Laura Dewar by deadline – 2 marks Publishing fully functional webpage with required components – 18 marks
Your Web Page Requirements Publish your paper as a website (20 marks) Send the marker an containing your URL by noon on Thursday Nov 19 th (week 11) (2 Publish the web site on by noon on Thursday Dec 3 rd (week 13). (2 marks) All the text of your paper and references appear in the website (2 marks) Include link to the BPK 375 course web page (1 mark) 3 images (pictures, cartoons or logos) appear successfully anywhere in your webpage. If the image was found on the web, there must be a link to that web site below the picture and full credit given to the website reported (3 marks) In addition to the references in your paper, provide links to TEN scientifically credible websites dealing with the same topic as the paper you are writing. Marks for these links will only be given if they are functional on your website. (10 marks) No marks for presentation
Steps in Authoring and Publishing your Web Page Create the HTML text file using an Editor –index.htm Transfer the HTML file over to –Sign on to anycomputer on campus and transfer files in to your pub_html folder –FTP software - File Transfer Protocol – Log on as: –use your SFU computing ID and password The web address of your page will be: –