An Introduction to Persuasion and Argument Moving people to a belief, position, or course of action
1. What is the piece trying to persuade you to do/believe? 2. What appeals did this use (ethos, pathos, logos), and how can you tell? (Provide specific examples!) 3. How persuasive was the piece (1-10) and why.
Persuasion and argument are often used interchangeably Persuasion is a broad term, which includes many tactics designed to move people to a position, a belief, or a course of action Argument is a specific kind of persuasion based on the principles of logic and reasoning
In everyday life... Appealing a grade, asking for a raise, applying for a job, negotiating the price of a new car, arguing in traffic court In academic life... Defending your ideas, engaging intellectual debate On the job... Getting people to listen to your ideas, winning buy-in, getting your boss to notice, getting cooperation, moving people to action In writing... Irrefutably making your point, writing to be read In reading and listening... Critically evaluating other’s arguments, protecting yourself from unethical persuasive tactics, recognizing faulty reasoning when you see it.
An argument involves the process of establishing a claim and then proving it with the use of logical reasoning, examples, and research.
An issue open to debate Your position on the issue Your reasons for that position Evidence to support your reason Experience, expert opinion, research and statistics
Understanding your audience is key to effective writing of all kinds, especially persuasive writing An argument is an implicit dialogue or exchange with your audience, so in writing arguments, assume there is a reader that will not agree with you Audience awareness is absolutely essential to successful persuasion and argument; therefore... Know your audience What is their position on the issue? How strongly do they feel about it? Are they open-minded enough to consider other views? What will their objections be to your argument? Are they supportive? Wavering? Or Hostile?
Introduction &Thesis Statement Background Information Reasons and Evidence The Opposing View and the Refutation Conclusions FYI – This is the format for your final argumentation/persuasion paper!
It will show you are fair-minded and therefore adds to your credibility When you acknowledge the opposition with balanced language, it shows that you respect the opposing views No matter how passionate you are about the issue, don’t resort to careless, harsh words; this would show more about you than the issue
Addressing the opposition demonstrates your credibility as a writer It shows that you have researched multiple sides of the argument and have come to an informed decision Remember, keep a balanced tone when attempting to debunk the opposition
Conceding to some of your opposition’s concerns can demonstrate respect for their opinions Remain tactful yet firm using rude or deprecating language can cause your audience to reject your position without carefully considering your claims
Due Wednesday, December 10 th !
The following assignment is NOT a true situation. You will be advancing to ENG 102 next semester – provided you have a grade of C or higher. Please DO NOT be frightened, but DO be creative! Besides, you should write about what you know, and, you know yourself, right? Most importantly, have fun with this!!!
It is the end of your ENG 101 semester, and you have just completed a resplendent first semester in Ms. LaDuca’s ENG 101 class. It turns out there are only 10 spaces open in the ENG 102 class for next semester. YIKES, you hear echo in your head. I MUST remain in this class next semester in order to graduate. (FYI: You are unable to transfer into another class and internet classes are not an option. Besides, you really wouldn’t want to leave would you? Mmmmm, don’t really answer that!) Okay, you want to know how you can stay here in your beloved English class?
ENG 102 is searching for 10 highly enthusiastic students to fill the class for the spring semester. We are looking for energetic students who are eager to learn and ready for an exciting romp through an invigorating writing comprehensive course. What will you receive? An outstanding education and the ability to apply a vast amount of incredible knowledge, plus some really cool vocabulary words to impress our friends with at parties. So, you must plead your case and demand you are one of the ten people selected. You are going to write a one page (single spaced – see paper requirements) persuasion/argumentation piece where you give me all the scintillating reasons why you should be chosen to occupy a coveted spot and protect your on-time graduation.
In order to increase the effectiveness of your writing, include several of the powerhouse buzzwords located below. Remember that certain words evoke confidence and authority – while others could merely make you look like a chump. When explaining how you might positively add to ENG 102, demonstrate your brilliance with some of these action verbs….
AchievedAdaptedAdvisedAnalyzedAssistedBuilt CompletedControlledConvincedCoordinatedCounseledCreated DecidedDeliveredDesignedDevelopedDirectedEquipped EstablishedEvaluatedExpandedExperiencedGeneratedLearned LedMaintainedManagedOperatedOrganizedPlanned ProcessedPersuadedProducedReducedRepairedServed Set-upSoldSupervisedTaughtTreatedWrote
1 page – no shorter, no longer Single spaced, include an extra space ONLY between each body paragraph Include a minimum of 10 vocabulary words, lessons 1-8 This is your last formal essay for ENG think about all those incredible writing strategies that have spent the entire semester learning! How best can you secure a spot in ENG 102? 10 Buzz Words – be sure you identify these! Have a combination of ethos, pathos, and logos! One of each- highlight and label.
Purpose: To persuade my reader I deserve a secure a spot in ENG 102. Audience: Ms LaDuca Tone: Point-of-View: 1st person – a brilliant ENG 101 student who wishes to continue academic success in ENG 102 and maintain an on-time graduation! Thesis:
10 Buzz Words 10 Vocab Words 1 example of ethos 1 example of pathos 1 example of logos (do you need more ethos, pathos, logos? Probably! But just identify 1!)