Training programme for Parents, Teachers and Psychologists working with children affected by dyxlexia
Partners: Italy Latvia Lithuania Spain Portugal Turkey Sicily
1. Legislation 2. Study cases 3. Questionnaries (I) about dyslexic pupil’s needs 4. Middle report 5. Questionnaries (II ) collect data and analysis 6.Training activities 7.Final product
Centro de profesores de Cuenca In-service Teacher Center of Cuenca International University “Menéndez Pelayo”
1. Analysis of the collected surveys country by country 2. Lecture by an expert on dyslexia
Italian partners from Verona presented the new law in Italy about learning difficulties, which includes: the diagnosis the purpose of the law characteristics of an Individualized Educational Plan
Collect data and analysis
Dr. José Luis Galve Manzano Psychoeducative intervention in reading and writing disorders