The Events That Lead up to The Revolutionary War By Jacob Brown, Elisa Lamers, Devon Baker.


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Presentation transcript:

The Events That Lead up to The Revolutionary War By Jacob Brown, Elisa Lamers, Devon Baker

The Boston Tea Party The Colonist were ticked about the tea taxes. So and dumped 90,000 pounds of tea into the Boston harbor. To fool the British soldiers they dressed up as Mohawk Native Americans But it did not work. Great Brittan was furious.

The Boston Massacre A group of colonist were bothering a British officer the officer called for help. Then 7 more officers came. They were ordered not to fire. Though one British thought he heard FIRE they Ended up killing 5 Colonist.

The Proclamation of 1763 The British win a bunch of land From the French and Indian war. When the colonist tried to move west the Native Americans started fighting. Then Brittan fenced the colonist in East of the Appalachian Mountains.

The stamp act Great Brittan required the colonist pay tax on paper goods such as Playing cards, Newspapers, and Marriage Licenses.

The Quartering Act The Quartering act is when the colonist had to give the soldiers homes, food, clothing, and water. The colonist did not like it.

The Intolerable acts The intolerable acts where very frustrating for the colonist. Its like when you get grounded but much severe. Britain stopped the Boston Harbor for the colonist that was like saying you cant go to the grocery store they were without food and water they were furious.