Loren Lawrence – Club President N5PUV
AGENDA INTRODUCTION VISITORS MEET AND GREET TREASURERS REPORT MARK MADDOX OLD BUSINESS Cub/Boy Scout Jamboree Repeater Antenna EOC Committee report NEW BUSINESS Christmas Party at new location on 12-8 Officers Elections per Bylaws, Committee Needed Tentative Dates for Repeater Installation – Committee TRAINING PRESENTATIONS TONIGHT: Mel has schedule
BOY/CUB SCOUT JAMBOREE Mel, Paul and Mark attended the Boy Scout Jamboree Oct 17 th Mel: How Was it?
The Jamboree-on-the-Air, or JOTA, is an annual Scouting event that uses amateur radio to link Scouts around the world, around the nation, and in your own community. Held on the third full weekend of October each year, this worldwide jamboree requires no travel, other than to a nearby radio amateur’s ham shack. Many times the hams will come to you by setting up at a Scout camporee, or perhaps they already have a ham shack at your council’s camp. There are many ways to get your Scouts involved in JOTA. Tell Me More Scouts of any age can participate, from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts and Venturers. Once at the ham radio station, the communication typically requires speaking into a microphone and listening on the station speakers. However, many forms of specialized communication can also take place, such as video communication, digital communication using typed words on the computer screen transmitted by radio, communication through a satellite relay or an earth-based relay (called a repeater), and many others. The exchanges include such information as name, location (called QTH in ham speak), Scout rank, age, and hobbies. The stations you’ll be communicating with can be other Scouts across town, across the country, or even around the world! The World Scout Bureau reported that the 2014 JOTA had more than 1 million Scout participants from more than 11,500 stations, nearly 20,000 amateur radio operators, and reached 157 countries.
70 CM REPEATER ANTENNA Isopole 440 Antenna is ordered, will arrive sometime in the next week or so. Tracking number We secured a discount, Antenna was $19 shipping UPS Total Additional Items to Purchase: N Male Lightning Arrestor – Loren may have, will check UNISTRUT for a approx. 48 inch standoff for a 41 inch antenna Short N Male to N Male 10 foot cable for shack Next Repeater Project Agenda: Survey Repeater site for Bob to make arrangements
EOC COMMITTEE OBJECTIVES Committee Proposed Purposes from October Meeting Slide: 1. Check on equipment at EOC, configure, test HAM equipment 2. Help coordinate a “crash” book for operators 3. Help with RACES application process (helping them through) 1. (Hands on approach will help, too many changes in place there) 4. Create and participate in Drills and simulated disasters 1. Every 90 days is requested 5. Create and manage standing list of EOC Net Control people to call for 1. Going to the EOC when needed It is in the clubs foremost interest to keep close relations to the county EOC This needs to be a committee of several to help be in touch with the EOC and needs back to the club Should give EOC committee updates in club meetings as needed
NEW BUSINESS – OFFICERS ELECTIONS It is time for a small committee of involved members to gather nominations for 2016 officers. The bylaws require a committee to be formed for this purpose outside of the administration It does not require a lot. Simply determine if there are new nominations for officers and present them and their nomination for voting at the December meeting for 2016– per our bylaws The president can and will appoint a committee if no volunteers are present. This also is in the bylaws. How say ye?
NEW BUSINESS – ITS THAT TIME OF YEAR CHRISTMAS PARTY!! We have a place that has been donated for the club to have a Christmas Party that has facilities, location is on Walton Boulevard in Rogers and will be on our Web site. This will be a Pot Luck event where people can bring snacks, main courses, chips, sodas (no alcohol please), CD’s for music, Entertainment, Whatever you all come up with to have fun. It is December 8 th at 6pm to 9pm. We will have an officers election early in the event so please be present as we need a pretty good number of members to be present if possible for even a few minutes for that voting. This is to commemorate our accomplishments and have fun.
PRESENTATION Mel Presentation
Please clean up and move the chairs under the desk and SEE YOU AT THE CHRISTMAS PARTY!!! – 73 - LOREN