Creating a personal Motto Team Poseidon 2015
What is a motto? A motto is a short phrase or sentence which describes or encapsulates the beliefs, ideals or guiding principles of an individual, family, organization, etc… A motto is like a mission statement. In The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens, Sean Covey said, “A personal mission statement is like a tree with deep roots. It is stable and isn’t going anywhere, but it is also alive and continually growing” (Covey 83).
What are some example Mottos. http://videos. simonandschuster Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken. Stay positive, be strong, focus on your dreams. Mistakes are proof that you are trying. If you wait for perfect conditions, you’ll never get anything done. Boy Scouts: Be Prepared United States Navy: Not for self, but country
How well do you know your core teachers? Match the teacher to the motto. A. “Nothin’ to it but do it.” B. “The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.” C. “Give it your all the first time and EVERY TIME.” D. “It’s not how good you are; it’s how good you want to be.” E. “It’s not whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get up.” Mrs. Arnold Mrs. Carter Mr. Ramsey Ms. Smiley Mr. Snyder
Where Can You find A Personal motto? 1. Ask your parents or guardians about their personal motto(s). 2. Ask your coaches about their motto(s). 3. Think about what motivates you. It should guide you in your everyday life.
Your Task: Homework for next Core+: 1. Choose a personal motto by Thursday-talk to your parents/guardians 2. Write it down and bring it to Core+ On Thursday in Core Plus, you will… share your motto with your Core+ class. decide which motto will inspire you the most. create a personal motto magnet for your locker. help create our Poseidon mottos video.