Personal Tag Semantic Relation Yi-Ching Huang 2008/02/27 Yi-Ching Huang 2008/02/27
How to understand how a person thinks? Conversation User profile User’s past data User’s past tagging behavior
Cognitive speaking...
Cognitive process behind tagging R. Sinha. A cognitive analysis of tagging. World Wide Web electronic publication, 2005.
Problem Definition Input: a person’s bookmark collection url collection + tag collection Output personal tag similarity
Proposed Solution Assumption: the more frequency two tags co-occur on the same webpage, the more relevant two tags are Tag relative co-occurrence (Hasan-Montero & Herrero-Solana 2006) A B : # of documents in which tag A and tag B co-occur : # of documents in which appear in any one of the two tags : relative co-occurrence of tag A and tag B
Personal Tag Network janetyc’s personal tag relation network (148 tags)
Personal Tag Network janetyc’s personal tag relation network (30 tags)
Semantic Tag Netork semantic similarity analysis word-level: wordnet similarity (Pedersen, Patwardhan, & Michelizzi 2004) commonsense: conceptnet similarity (Shevade, Sundaram, & Xie 2007) word expansion spreading activation (Liu & Lieberman 2002),(Huang & Hsu 2006)
Procedure WordNet ConceptNet related tags Tag Relative Co-occurrence Semantic analysis (Concept & Word-level) Social Reinforcement (common tags) personal preference personal bookmark collection personal semantic relation relation reinforcement urls tags
Concept similarity use ConceptNet (Liu & Singh 2004) Concept similarity method tag context (getContext()) analogous tags (getAnalogous()) path length between tags
Spreading Activation photo image icon color photograph photoshop Reference: (Liu & Lieberman 2002),(Huang & Hsu 2006)
My Result janetyc’s personal tag relation network (148 tags)
My Result janetyc’s personal tag relation network (30 tags)
Reference [1] Y. Hasan-Montero and V. Herrero-Solana. Improving tag-clouds as a visual information retrieval interfaces. In Proceedings of International Conference on Multidisciplinary Information Sciences and Technologies, October [2] T.-h. Huang and J. Y.-j. Hsu. Beyond memories: Weaving photos into personal social networks. In G. Kaminka, D. Pynadath, and C. Geib, editors, Modeling Others from Observations: Papers from the AAAI Workshop, pages 29–36, Menlo Park, California, AAAI Press. [3] H. Liu and H. Lieberman. Robust photo retrieval using world semantics. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Language Resources And Evaluation Workshop: Using Semantics for Information Retrieval and Filtering (LREC2002), Canary Islands, Spain, [4] H. Liu and P. Singh. Conceptnet: A practical commonsense reasoning toolkit. BT Technology Journal, 22, [5] T. Pedersen, S. Patwardhan, and J. Michelizzi. Wordnet::similarity - measuring the relatedness of concepts. In Proceedings of the Nineteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-04), pages 1024–1025, San Jose, CA, July [6] B. Shevade, H. Sundaram, and L. Xie. Modeling personal and social network context for event annotation in images. In JCDL ’07: Proceedings of the 2007 conference on Digital libraries, pages 127– 134, New York, NY, USA, ACM. [7] R. Sinha. A cognitive analysis of tagging. World Wide Web electronic publication, 2005.
backup-spreading activation heuristics to improve relevance (Liu & Lieberman 2002) reinforcement popularity reinforcement popularity
Backup-Spreading Activation algorithm (Huang & Hsu 2006)
Procedure WordNet ConceptNet related tags word expansion (spreading activation) common tags (top 10 tags) tag relative co-occurrence Semantic analysis (Concept & Word-level) relation reinforcement personal preference personal bookmark collection personal semantic relation