Diego R. Lopez, RedIRIS JRES2005, Marseille On eduGAIN and the Coming GÉANT Middleware Infrastructure
NRENs & Grids. Barcelona, September 2009 Across the Stack The Network The Application The Middleware Bottom layer of the application Service location and discovery {Con-, inter-}federation Reputation Logging and diagnostics Top layer of the network Mobility Network access QoS Measurement
NRENs & Grids. Barcelona, September 2009 eduGAIN in a Nutshell Based on the national identity federations, operated by NRENs And a community-operated one: EFDA-Fed eduGAIN is a confederation infrastructure Federates federations SAML 1.1 (and soon SAML 2.0) is the lingua franca Specific software developed eduGAIN base libraries (Java) simpleSAMLphp (PHP) eduGAINFilter (javax.servlet.filter) Direct use of Shibboleth 2.0 possible (with a few restrictions)
NRENs & Grids. Barcelona, September 2009 eduGAIN Elements The Metadata Service – MDS Updated by authorised components Tagged according to user communities Queried by user interfaces or autonomous services PKI and registry Multi-rooted Includes component identifiers AM/CC (Attribute Mapping / Credential Conversion) Adapt syntax and semantics Bridging Elements - BE Adapt protocols Not required if eduGAIN profiles are natively supported Hybrid model of integration
NRENs & Grids. Barcelona, September 2009 Fully Bridged eduGAIN
NRENs & Grids. Barcelona, September 2009 P2P eduGAIN
NRENs & Grids. Barcelona, September 2009 Hybrid eduGAIN
NRENs & Grids. Barcelona, September 2009 eduGAIN Profiles WebSSO Shib 1.3 for SAML 1.1 SAML2 (except artifact-based) for SAML 2.0 Going into production service in GÉANT3 AC Certificates plus optional attribute access UbC Convey user credentials introduced at the client WE Constrained delegation DAMe
NRENs & Grids. Barcelona, September 2009 The WebSSO Profile
NRENs & Grids. Barcelona, September 2009 The AC Profile
NRENs & Grids. Barcelona, September 2009 The UbC Profile
NRENs & Grids. Barcelona, September 2009 The WE Profile
NRENs & Grids. Barcelona, September 2009 Core Services in GN[\d] GN2 saw the first attempt to offer these core services as part of a multi-domain network infrastructure Not perfect, but many lessons learned Actual services and working examples Taking advantage of previous collaborative initiatives GN3 is continuing this trail Enhancing those already deployed or piloted Addressing more core services Providing dynamic integration and invocation Considering SLAs as part of the process Better development and deployment cycles A service integration model: the multi-domain ESB
NRENs & Grids. Barcelona, September 2009 A framework to define, discover, access, and combine network services From the infrastructure up to application elements Federated, multi-domain ESB Able to integrate any service within the GÉANT infrastructure Flexible negotiation of service provision capabilities Addressed to NREN staff e-Science service providers and users!! Collaborative architecture Open to collaboration beyond the academic community Prosumer-oriented Plug-and-play plus Plug-and-be-played The GEMBus Promise
NRENs & Grids. Barcelona, September 2009 α-interfaces Directly usable by applications β-interfaces Govern systems and resources γ-interfaces Abstract access to resources δ-interfaces Actual control over the resources Source: MANA Position Paper, 2009 Service Interfaces
NRENs & Grids. Barcelona, September 2009 GEMBus will provide a set of α-interfaces Plus the corresponding orchestration systems Specify how β-interfaces have to be published and registered From individual GÉANT (and external) services γ-interfaces for core services Those required for direct integration support Usable by individual services Source: MANA Position Paper, 2009 What Service Interfaces
NRENs & Grids. Barcelona, September 2009 A Couple of Archetypal Use Cases An institution willing to distribute an arts performance subject to IPR to a variable number of sites needs to: Create a multicast group Generate keys for controlling access to the group Distribute keys to participant sites according to their attributes and the institution authorization policy Monitor the usage and performance of the distribution at several points of the network A research team defining a workflow to gather and publish a data flow originated by a singular instrument through a federated repository needs to: Make informed real-time decisions on the route to be used for storing the data Enforce certain properties in the selected links Provide the data processors with appropriate credentials to access data stores Obtain general, location-independent pointers, to the final data
NRENs & Grids. Barcelona, September 2009 Building by Composition Service Components AutoBAHN DM perfSONAR MA eduGAIN AuthN Composite Services e-science workflow A&H performance eduGAINized repositories … Service Frameworks Other NRENs Governmental Commercial … AutoBAHN eduG AIN Grid GÉBusCLARINAPANI2ESNetIPSphereOGSATelcosCanarie Interface descriptions Compositional procedures and orchestration Standard interfaces and support for policy agreements