Integration of TB and HIV Screening, Care and Treatment in Mulago Hospital, Uganda Rhoda Wanyenze, Doris Mwesigire, Henry Luzze, Violet Gwokyalya, Julius Sempiira, Alphonse Okwera, Alice Namale, Edwin Charlebois, Moses Kamya Mulago-Mbarara Teaching Hospitals’ Joint AIDS Program (MJAP) PEPFAR Meeting, Kigali - Rwanda June 16, 2007
Background Overlapping TB and HIV epidemics –HIV increases susceptibility to TB infection/ disease –TB/HIV co-infection is common –TB/HIV co-infection increases morbidity & mortality especially with late initiation of care Early & concurrent treatment for both infections desirable to improve outcomes Programs for TB & HIV often parallel –Delayed diagnosis & linkage to care is common
Context of MJAP TB/HIV Services International TB/HIV guidelines Uganda TB/HIV Collaborative Policy MJAP initiated integration of TB & HIV services in 2005 Other MJAP services - 10 sites –HIV testing and counseling Routine HIV testing and counseling (RTC) Home based HIV counseling and testing –Care and treatment
Integrated TB/HIV Services Hospital-based screening for both TB & HIV –Enhanced TB screening in the HIV clinic –Routine HIV testing for TB inpatients & outpatients –Concurrent TB and HIV screening of medical inpatients –Integrated TB and HIV care and treatment
TB Screening Criteria for TB screening –Patients with cough >2 weeks –Other clinical evaluation: fever, weight loss, … Diagnosis –Laboratory Sputum smears: patients with productive cough Biopsy/aspiration: Extra-pulmonary TB –Microscopy (ZN or auramine) –Recently started doing culture –X rays
Linkage to Care TBHIVAction Pos TB/HIV Clinic PosNegTB Clinic NegPosHIV Clinic Neg Prevention counseling CD4 testing & prep for ART starts in ward for very ill patients
Mulago TB/HIV Clinic Clinic runs one day a week –Within the TB unit (in Mulago hospital) Patients referred to HIV clinic after completion of TB treatment Patients receive TB and HIV care –Basic care package and other non-ART care –Anti-TB: 2HERZ/6EH –ART: Combivir + Efavirenz A few patients on triomune
TB/HIV Clinic Procedures Seen monthly or more frequently when needed Laboratory tests –CBC: Baseline & every 3 months –CD4: Baseline & every 6 months –Sputum smears: Baseline, 2, 5 & 8 months SOPs and data collection tools cover TB and HIV care and treatment aspects
Results (1) August 2005-April 2007 TB patients received RTC: 2,651 –HIV prevalence among tested patients: 33% –96% accept testing TB sputum smears in medical wards: 1,869 –587 (32%) sputum positive –379 (65%) of sputum Pos co-infected with HIV
Results (2) Screened for TB in the HIV clinic: 4,835 –Number with TB disease: (15%) - sputum positive 83 - X ray & other clinical criteria 706 received care in the TB-HIV clinic –92 transferred out after completion of Tb treatment 327 initiated ART within the TB-HIV clinic
Challenges/Gaps Increased resources for treatment Diagnosis of extra-pulmonary & smear –ve TB Counseling & support for both TB treatment and ART more complex Incorporate TB contact tracing Transfer out after completing TB treatment – some patients are uncomfortable with this
Conclusions Integration of TB/HIV services feasible Detects a significant number of TB/HIV co- infected patients Need to strengthen –Diagnosis for smear –ve and extra-pulmonary TB –Adherence counseling, support & monitoring for concurrent TB treatment and ART
Acknowledgements PEPFAR/CDC National TB and Leprosy program Mulago Hospital and Complex TB unit MJAP Staff