Chapter 28 Review Arthropods Charles Page High School Dr. Stephen L. Cotton
Chapter 28 Review Arthropods l What subphylum are the insects classified in? uniramia l The first arthropods appeared in the sea about 600 million years ago. l What subphylum is the crayfish classified in? crustacea
Chapter 28 Review Arthropods l What subphylum is the horseshoe crab in? chelicerates l Name some of the characteristics of the trilobite body. Many body segments l How does a locust get food? A spider? A centipede? Herbivore, carnivore, herbivore
Chapter 28 Review Arthropods l Which term is unrelated to the others? Book gills; comblike bristles; tracheal tubes; book lungs l How do spiders respire? Book lungs l In aquatic arthropods, cell wastes diffuse from the body through unarmored places such as the gills
Chapter 28 Review Arthropods l Unlike the eyes of humans, the eyes of many insects can detect UV ultraviolet light. l Where are the eardrums located in a grasshopper? Behind the legs l Arthropods swim, walk, or fly by the pull of muscles against the exoskeleton
Chapter 28 Review Arthropods l How do lobsters and crabs attack potential enemies? claws l Know the steps of the molting process molting hormone dissolve interior of exoskeleton form new exoskeleton break off old exoskeleton stretch new exoskeleton harden new exoskeleton l In metamorphosis, when the production of juvenile hormone drops below a critical point, the molting insect pupates
Chapter 28 Review Arthropods l A uniramian with one pair of legs on each of it’s many segments, and poison claws is a centipede l What are some ways that honeybees communicate? Dance, sounds, and pheromones l If an arthropod has three distinct body parts, it is classified as a(n) insect
Chapter 28 Review Arthropods l Newly-hatched horseshoe crabs are known as trilobite larvae l Know the steps that occur after a spider catches it’s prey. Inject paralyzing venom with chelicerae inject enzymes sucks it into its pumping stomach l Scorpions, unlike spiders, have pedipalps enlarged with claws
Chapter 28 Review Arthropods l Which are arachnids- the microscopic water fleas or giant Japanese spider crabs? neither l What disease can fleas carry? Bubonic plague l How many queens are found in colonies of social insects such as termites, ants, bees, and wasps? 1
Chapter 28 Review Arthropods l In a crayfish, on what body part are the swimmerets found? abdomen l What subphylum of the phylum Arthropoda contains more species than all other groups of animals alive today? uniramia l What insect has mouthparts specialized for sipping nectar? butterfly
Chapter 28 Review Arthropods l In flying insects, the tremendous energy required by muscles during flight is supplied by oversized mitochondria l In the relationship in which a large fish allows a small shrimp to crawl on it’s body, the shrimp is called a symbiont
Chapter 28 Review Arthropods l Which of the following is not being investigated as an application of a chemical from an arthropod? chitin sprayed on fruit to prevent spoilage; use barnacle adhesive in dentistry; use spider venom as a pesticide; mosquito blood preventing river blindness
Chapter 28 Review Arthropods l In some arthropods, gills are used for both respiration and excretion. l Insects typically have three pairs of walking legs. l A queen honeybee prevents development of rival queens by producing the pheromone queen substance
Chapter 28 Review Arthropods l Sleeping sickness and river blindness are diseases carried by biting fleas l An extract of horseshoe crab blood is used to test for purity of medicines. l Male crickets chirp to attract females by rubbing together their forewings
Chapter 28 Review Arthropods l The legs and bodies of worker bees are covered with hairs that collect pollen. l The enormous amount of energy required by insects during flight is supplied by oversized mitochondria
Chapter 28 Review Arthropods l How do centipedes obtain food? They are carnivores. l The uniramians are thought to have evolved on land during the Devonian period, about 400 million years ago.