Jamii Telecommunications Ltd, ADHouae, Korosho Rd, Off gitanga Rd, Valley Arcade.P.O.Box47419 – Nairobi, Kanya Tell: , Fax: Cell: ABOUT JTL NET NEUTRALITY QUALITY OF SERVICE HOW WE DO IT AT JTL AGENDA
Jamii Telecommunications Ltd, ADHouae, Korosho Rd, Off gitanga Rd, Valley Arcade.P.O.Box47419 – Nairobi, Kanya Tell: , Fax: Cell: INTRODUCTION TO JTL Jamii Telecom Limited (JTL) is a privately owned Kenyan company that is licensed by the Communication Authority of Kenya as a Unified Communications Services Provider We transport Data using fibre. This includes Information Communication and Entertainment We service Home users, Enterprises and Carriers
Jamii Telecommunications Ltd, ADHouae, Korosho Rd, Off gitanga Rd, Valley Arcade.P.O.Box47419 – Nairobi, Kanya Tell: , Fax: Cell: OUR MISSION & VISION To be the best fibre operator in the region Our Vision is to be a leading reliable communication solution partner in the domestic, regional and international markets
The Customer is always the King. They must be happy at all times. Teamwork. The staff are key. Driven by Performance. Execution is key. Professionalism Ensure Ethics and Integrity in all our dealings with customers, suppliers and colleagues JTL Core Values Jamii Telecommunications Ltd, ADHouae, Korosho Rd, Off gitanga Rd, Valley Arcade.P.O.Box47419 – Nairobi, Kanya Tell: , Fax: Cell:
Jamii Telecommunications Ltd, ADHouae, Korosho Rd, Off gitanga Rd, Valley Arcade.P.O.Box47419 – Nairobi, Kanya Tell: , Fax: Cell: JTL INFRASTRUCTURE: Undersea cables Metro Fibres National backbone Fibre to the Home
Jamii Telecommunications Ltd, ADHouae, Korosho Rd, Off gitanga Rd, Valley Arcade.P.O.Box47419 – Nairobi, Kanya Tell: , Fax: Cell: NET NEUTRALITY Net neutrality (also network neutrality, Internet neutrality, or net equality) is the principle that Internet service providers and governments should treat all data on the Internet the same, not discriminating or charging differentially by user, content, site, platform, application, type of attached equipment, or mode of Communications ( Wikipidea) Is this sustainable in an Era where we are more reliant and expect more from the Internet
Jamii Telecommunications Ltd, ADHouae, Korosho Rd, Off gitanga Rd, Valley Arcade.P.O.Box47419 – Nairobi, Kanya Tell: , Fax: Cell: QUALITY OF SERVICE In Broadband terms when talking about quality of services, we exclude the Fault repairs, Technical support, user applications, billing and help desk as these are not unique to broadband services. Primarly Quality of Service for Broaband can be addressed by Data Rate as the measure of speed of transefring Data from one point o the Network to another Point Reliability, Measured by the probability that the service will be available
Jamii Telecommunications Ltd, ADHouae, Korosho Rd, Off gitanga Rd, Valley Arcade.P.O.Box47419 – Nairobi, Kanya Tell: , Fax: Cell: CUSTOMER COMPLAINTS Inability to compare one service to another Slow speeds Buffering especially for OTT Applications Difficulties in technical Language and Jargon Concerns on if they are getting actual services as advertised by the ISP
Jamii Telecommunications Ltd, ADHouae, Korosho Rd, Off gitanga Rd, Valley Arcade.P.O.Box47419 – Nairobi, Kanya Tell: , Fax: Cell: CAN BROADBAND BE MEASURED Because of the Nature of the Internet, ISP can only provide best endeavour with target data rates, but with No guarantee that this can be achieved. There are many factors that affect the customer experience that have nothing to do with the ISP Customer PC Modem and Software Application or content used by the customers, i.e. Video, Music etc Protocols used by the Internet Applications Capacity and performance on Shared local and international routes/backbones Popularity and Capacity of the content providers
Jamii Telecommunications Ltd, ADHouae, Korosho Rd, Off gitanga Rd, Valley Arcade.P.O.Box47419 – Nairobi, Kanya Tell: , Fax: Cell: WHAT DO ISPs MEASURE If ISPs were asked to provide details of their broadband network performance, their figures would typically consider only the performance of the link to the user, as all other aspects of the Internet experience are beyond the control of the ISP. This approach is accurate, but is less meaningful to consumers. Customers want to hear reasusrance that their links are dedicated and not shared.
Jamii Telecommunications Ltd, ADHouae, Korosho Rd, Off gitanga Rd, Valley Arcade.P.O.Box47419 – Nairobi, Kanya Tell: , Fax: Cell: JTL FAIBA PERSPECTIVE We Choose Technology and partners very Carefully Fibre for our last Mile access Google and Akamai Local Cache Increased Direct Peering, Google, Liquid and KIXP Reputable Upstream Providers, EMIX and WOICC Operate our Links at below 90% Utilization By maintaining the above we guarantee good user experinece and consistent service.
Jamii Telecommunications Ltd, ADHouae, Korosho Rd, Off gitanga Rd, Valley Arcade.P.O.Box47419 – Nairobi, Kanya Tell: , Fax: Cell: JTL FAIBA PERSPECTIVE
Jamii Telecommunications Ltd, ADHouae, Korosho Rd, Off gitanga Rd, Valley Arcade.P.O.Box47419 – Nairobi, Kanya Tell: , Fax: Cell: JTL FAIBA PERSPECTIVE
Jamii Telecommunications Ltd, ADHouae, Korosho Rd, Off gitanga Rd, Valley Arcade.P.O.Box47419 – Nairobi, Kanya Tell: , Fax: Cell: JTL FAIBA PERSPECTIVE