Robinwood Plus: an overview Laura Muraglia Liguria Region – Department Environment
RW+ main data Interreg IV C “Robinwwod Plus” Regional Initiative Project – Miniprogramme (i.e. subprojects) Total budget: € 3,063, Of which subprojects: € 1,300, (42%) Of which ERDF: € 2,358, (76%) Dates: January 2010 – December 2013
RW+ partners Liguria, Italy Calabria, Italy Hargita, Romania Kainuu, Finland Limousin, France
RW+ partners’ inputs Liguria: policy integration capacity, participatory approach in environmental field, widespread ISO and protected areas Kainuu: wood industry is the main source of living; participatory approach widely used in the forestry sector Limousin: skilled in rural development and best practices exchange (eg. network); a certain experience in participatory approach in the forestry sector
RW+ partners’ inputs Hargita: the economy strongly depends on forestry and wood industry; skilled in vocational training in rural areas Calabria: presence of local SMEs producing wood products and by products that need to expand their markets
RW+ main objective “Promote the multifunctional role of forests as engine for economic development, environment protection, quality of life improvement in rural areas, in accordance with the EU Forest Action Plan (2006) and sustainability policies.” EU Forestry Action Plan Multifunctional role of forests Sustainable development Nature & soil conservation Social improvement Economy development (tourism, energy, wood, etc.)
RW+ main tool “Apply participatory forest planning” = involvement of all local stakeholders in the process aimed at planning the exploitation of forests (set end-uses, operators, timing) Improve governance & empower people Reduce conflicts (among the different roles) Raise awareness and information Involve the many small land owners
RW+: approach Collect and organize best practices and information Experience exchange (on site and on line meetings) Regions Subprojects Draw lessons Guidelines & Policy reccomendations Regional policies Dissemination
Main expected outputs International subprojects to be financed, at least 25 beneficiaries Guidelines on quality participatory forest planning approach Policy recommendations for forestry economy development Online best practice knowledge base and social network for practitioners
RW+ subprojects’ selection Applicants status 10 Municipalities and Unions 4 Local administrations 5 Natural Parks 3 University 2 Development Agencies 2 Public bodies
RW+ expected outcomes RW+ partners expect to achieve the following outcomes: Dissemination of participatory approach Application of forest planning techniques Involvement of local land owners and defragmentation Birth of rural SMEs Increased political interest and awareness
RW+ selected subprojects DESTINATION MOUNTAIN Development of tourism on forest land (theme parks) ELWOOD Local wood use (handcraft, furniture, home building, carpentry…) and promotion of links between wood workers and schools FOR MARIE Management of forest resources and development of a local wood supply chain through stakeholders’ engagement
RW+ selected subprojects PASFORMMA Promotion of rural areas through new models for forest management SHAREWOOD Information and environmental education about the multifunctional role of forests
Thank you for your attention Responsible officer for the Department Environment of Region Liguria: Laura Muraglia Project Manager: Roberta Casapietra (ARE Liguria) Staff Members: Damiano Penco (Region Liguria), Francesca Verardo (ARE Liguria), Elisa Cascioli (ARE Liguria) Matteo Graziani (Liguria Ricerche)