GENDER MAINSTREAMING Renate Wielpütz - FrauenComputerZentrumBerlin 1 Cyprus Diaplus Conference April, 2004
GENDER MAINSTREAMING Renate Wielpütz - FrauenComputerZentrumBerlin 2 Gender gaps in the information society – example: Germany Vocational orientation and use of new media 52% of female school leavers „choose“ betwen 10 professions – among them only 1 technical (media design – digital and print) Digital divide: 42% of the German Internet users are f e – G has - among 26 biggest industry nations - highest male user population
GENDER MAINSTREAMING Renate Wielpütz - FrauenComputerZentrumBerlin 3 Gender gaps in the information society – example: Germany Vocational training in the „dual system“ 41% young women (1% gas/water installation, 2 % car fixing), but: 93% hair dressers, 96% sales, 100% doctor`s assistance IT-/Mediea professions: Information electronics: 3,5% women, Media design: 56%
GENDER MAINSTREAMING Renate Wielpütz - FrauenComputerZentrumBerlin 4 Gender gaps in the information society – example: Germany Universities: 2002/3: women more than 50% Mathmatics and natural science: 36% Engineering: 21% Languages/cultural science: 68% Animal doctors: 82%
GENDER MAINSTREAMING Renate Wielpütz - FrauenComputerZentrumBerlin 5 Gender gaps in the information society – example: Germany Women`s employment rate in IT sector: 25,9% (average employment rate: 44%) Telecommunikation: 46,2% IT professions: 15,4% Media professions: 39,2% Managment positions: 7% Pay gap: 25%
GENDER MAINSTREAMING Renate Wielpütz - FrauenComputerZentrumBerlin 6 Amsterdam Treaty Council decision: 1997 Ratification at Member State level: 1999
GENDER MAINSTREAMING Renate Wielpütz - FrauenComputerZentrumBerlin 7 Art. 2: Equal opportunities for women and men as one of the objectives of the treaty (together with high employment levels: improved living standards and quality of life; social and economic cohesion) Art. 3: Gender Mainstreaming – equal opportunities to be integrated in all policy fields (encouraging both the dismantling of discrimination and the promotion of EO) Art. 13: Anti-Discrimination – EU can take action to fight discrimination on base of gender, ethnic background, religion, disability and sexual preference- To be proposed by the Commission and – after consultation of EP – agreed by the Council.
GENDER MAINSTREAMING Renate Wielpütz - FrauenComputerZentrumBerlin 8 Art. 137 & Art. 141: Equal opportunities at the labour market Equal pay for comparable work Council can agree to take action to establish equal opportunities concerning the access to employment, promotion and equal pay Member States are free to implement positive actions to bridge gender gaps and desegregate the labour market
GENDER MAINSTREAMING Renate Wielpütz - FrauenComputerZentrumBerlin 10 FOUR PILLARS MARKING FOUR KEY POLICY AREAS Employability Entrepreneurship Adaptability Equal opportunities (EO) Gender mainstreaming: transversal EES = GUIDELINES AND NATIONAL ACTION PLANS FOR EMPLOYMENT
GENDER MAINSTREAMING Renate Wielpütz - FrauenComputerZentrumBerlin 11 REFORM OF EES Making the EES more performing and output-oriented (because of enlargement) Integrating policy priorities and targets that have emerged during the first period of the EES (in particular the Lisbon, Barcelona and Stockholm Summits) Linking the EES to the Broad Economic Policy Guidelines
GENDER MAINSTREAMING Renate Wielpütz - FrauenComputerZentrumBerlin 12 ADOPTION OF THREE OVERARCHING OBJECTIVES Full employment Quality and productivity at work Cohesion and an inclusive labour market SIMPLIFICATION: Instead of 4 pillars and over 20 Guidelines: a structure of 10 key priorities for structural reform: “10 Commandments” Improving delivery and governance of the process
GENDER MAINSTREAMING Renate Wielpütz - FrauenComputerZentrumBerlin 13 STRENGTHENING THE APPROACH OF NUMERICAL TARGETS Barcelona & Stockholm Targets: An overall employment rate of 67% in 2005 and 70% in 2010 An employment rate for women of 57% in 2005 and 60% in 2010 An employment rate of 50% for older workers in 2010 Numerical Targets are part of the 10 Policy Priorities. But: no sanctions
GENDER MAINSTREAMING Renate Wielpütz - FrauenComputerZentrumBerlin 14 Priorities Targets 1Help unemployed and inactive to find a job, prevent long- term unemployment Personalised job search plan for all unemployed before fourth month of unemployment by 2005 Work experience or training for all unemployed before 12th month of unemployment (before 6th month for young and vulnerable) by % of long-term unemployed in work experience or training by 2010 THE 10 COMMANDMENTS
GENDER MAINSTREAMING Renate Wielpütz - FrauenComputerZentrumBerlin 15 Priorities Targets 2Encourage entrepreneurship and improve climate for business start- ups National targets to be set for: business training; reduction of red tape for start- ups
GENDER MAINSTREAMING Renate Wielpütz - FrauenComputerZentrumBerlin 16 Priorities Targets 3Promote adaptability of workers and firms to change reduction of 30% in rate of accidents at work, and a reduction of 25% for high risk sectors in each Member State by 2010
GENDER MAINSTREAMING Renate Wielpütz - FrauenComputerZentrumBerlin 17 Priorities Targets 4Provide more and better investment into human capital & strategies for lifelong learning (LLL) 80% of year olds to have at least upper secondary education by 2010 increase rate of participation of adults in education and training to 15% on average in the EU, and at least 10% in every Member State by 2010 increase of investments by companies in training of adults from the existing level of equivalent to 2.3% of labour costs to 5 % on average in the EU by 2010.
GENDER MAINSTREAMING Renate Wielpütz - FrauenComputerZentrumBerlin 18 Priorities Targets 5Increase labour supply and promote active ageing Increase in the effective average exit age from the labour market from 60 to 65 years on average in the EU by 2010
GENDER MAINSTREAMING Renate Wielpütz - FrauenComputerZentrumBerlin 19 Priorities Targets 6Promote gender equality in employment and pay Elimination of gender gaps in employment and halving of gender pay gaps in every Member State by 2010 Childcare places available for 33% of 0- 3 year olds and 90% of those from 3 years to mandatory school age in each Member State by 2010
GENDER MAINSTREAMING Renate Wielpütz - FrauenComputerZentrumBerlin 20 Priorities Targets 7Combat discrimination against disadvantaged groups Halving of the school drop-out rate in every Member State and reduction of EU average drop-out rate to 10% by 2010 Reduction by half in each Member State in the unemployment gaps for people defined as being at a disadvantage in accordance with national definitions by 2010 Reduction by half in each Member State in the employment gap between non-EU and EU nationals by 2010
GENDER MAINSTREAMING Renate Wielpütz - FrauenComputerZentrumBerlin 21 Priorities Targets 8Improve financial incentives to make work pay Significant reduction of tax burden on low paid workers according to national targets by 2010
GENDER MAINSTREAMING Renate Wielpütz - FrauenComputerZentrumBerlin 22 Priorities Targets 9Reduce undeclared work substantially Substantial reduction in undeclared work by 2010 in each Member State, based on improved statistical basis
GENDER MAINSTREAMING Renate Wielpütz - FrauenComputerZentrumBerlin 23 Priorities Targets 10 Promote occupational and geographical mobility All job vacancies advertised by national employment services should be accessible and be able to be consulted by anyone in the EU by 2010
GENDER MAINSTREAMING Renate Wielpütz - FrauenComputerZentrumBerlin 24 Gender Mainstreaming in Leonardo da Vinci “Promoters should aim to apply equal opportunities at all stages of their projects (design, implementation and evaluation of activities). In particular, proposals should consider how they would promote equal opportunities for men and women in training. Moreover, special attention will be given to proposals which aim to meet the training needs of people at risk of exclusion from the labour market.” rdo2/guides_de.html
GENDER MAINSTREAMING Renate Wielpütz - FrauenComputerZentrumBerlin 25 Gender Mainstreaming in the Diaplus project: Objective: Integration of GM strategies into all activities: - raising awareness of all partners for differences between women and men – different target groups – in their lives, learning, educational and professional backgrounds - Integrating Gender Mainstreaming perspective into all Diaplus modules - Integrating Gender Mainstreaming perspective into the manual for experts/counsellors
GENDER MAINSTREAMING Renate Wielpütz - FrauenComputerZentrumBerlin 26 GM and positive actions = Gender Equality Positive actions: - special measures to close gender gaps from the past - reactive - „special“ target groups Gender Mainstreaming: - integrated equality policy - proactive - everybody concerned - all policy areas concerned