Walter L. Warnick, Ph.D. Director, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI) ETEC, October 19, 2012
2 “ “The Secretary, through the Office of Scientific and Technical Information, shall maintain within the Department publicly available collections of scientific and technical information resulting from research, development, demonstration, and commercial applications activities supported by the Department.” We are part of the Secret City, located on the east end of Oak Ridge … just a stone’s throw (or two) from the Oak Ridge Rowing venue Since 1947! Mandated in law; most recently in the Energy Policy Act of 2005
3 the hub of U.S. government science info the hub of worldwide government science info the hub of DOE science information Public access to unclassified Restricted access o classified and sensitive
4 Undersecretary of Science Vacant Director, Office of Science William Brinkman Deputy Director for Field Operations Joseph McBrearty Deputy Director for Science Programs Patricia Dehmer Deputy Director for Resource Management Jeffrey Salmon Secretary Dr. Steven Chu Deputy Secretary Daniel B. Poneman OSTI Walter Warnick Effectively, we are DOE’s mechanism for providing accountability for $10B in annual R&D results.
Staffing Federal: 48 FTEs Contractor: 45 FTEs Facility 134,000 sq.-foot building, approx. 80% property protection area; 20% limited area “Class A” security importance rating based on classified holdings Leased space (approx. 50% of building footprint) to governmental entities Unclassified/Classified Computer Operations 5
6 MISSION We advance science and sustain technological creativity by making R&D findings available and useful to Department of Energy (DOE) researchers and the public. Science advances only if knowledge is shared. OSTI Corollary We believe the advancement of science is accelerated by sharing knowledge more easily, faster and at lower cost. Accelerating the spread of knowledge inspires everything we do at OSTI.
DOE STI Program We collect STI from ORNL, Y-12 & labs and weapons facilities across the country STI = Scientific and Technical Information 7 OSTI coordinates the DOE- wide network that makes sure DOE R&D results are: collected preserved made accessible via multiple web outlets.
8 Collaborating across DOE, across the U.S., and around the world - For a for Energy Science and Technology Global Hub Integrates more than 70 nations Provides over 400 million pages of science information from databases and portals worldwide; performs multilingual search across 10 languages U.S. Gov Hub Integrates 13 U.S. science agencies Databases and websites offer over 200 million pages of science information DOE HUB Integrates key DOE databases Covers a range of R&D results (reports, patents, citations, eprints, etc.)
More than 300,000 full-text documents Over 5 million scientific e-prints Over 2 million publicly available citations More than 24,000 patents More than 500 websites & databases Conference papers & proceedings 9
3,500 ORNL reports flowed through OSTI in FY12 2,300 from BNL 2,000 from ANL 1,500 from LANL 1,400 from NREL 10
13 U.S. Agencies 200 million pages 2,100 websites 55 databases Spanish translation 11
80+ databases from trusted authoritative sources Generally not searchable by major search engines searches the ‘deep web’ 400 million pages of text from governments around the world Covered by WWS 12
Multilingual Translations The world’s first “one to many” and “many to one” multilingual translations tool in science. Ten languages – Arabic, Chinese, German, English, Spanish, French, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian partnering with Microsoft ® Translator enables true multilingual functionality.
OSTI web access approached 300 million transactions in FY12 We are leveraging the DOE investment in R&D, via collection, preservation and dissemination of those results 14
Team with high tech companies Involve Small Businesses Recently implemented a new technology transfer product that searches appropriately 20 tech transfer operations across the DOE complex (Keeps us innovating!) 15
We Are Pioneers in Gov Federated Search— A Unique Search Engine Capability Allows you to search multiple data sources simultaneously You get results in ranked order relevant to your search query Easy on the producers – places no requirements or burdens on database owners – so setting up access to a scientific organization’s content is easy Innovative technology drills down to selected databases and websites in parallel, then presents ranked search results Deep Web 16
/ Delivering information anytime, anywhere 17
“Microsoft Research’s video search hits the DOE” m/en-us/projects/mavis/ Read about us at the Microsoft website Innovative, state-of-the-art audio indexing Speech recognition technology Searches ~2,600 multimedia files Audio Indexing of Video 18
Search on “robotics” pulls up DOE & CERN videos related to “robotics” – but also points you to exactly where in the video the word “robotics” is stated … plus a snippet of what was said about robotics. ORNL researcher talks about developing robotic hand 19
Secure electronic information exchange – OSTI is a component of the NNSA Enterprise Secure Network Diskless desktop environment Subject matter experts for specialized products and classification needs Repository for 100K+ classified R&D reports, including Y-12 and other NNSA research 20
We think of it this way: Oak Ridge, the Secret City… rapidly becoming the Open Science City! Through our products and services we are helping make that happen. 21 Nearly all R&D results published by nearly all U.S. R&D agencies made searchable via a single search box Nearly all R&D results published by or on behalf of governments of all nations with R&D programs made searchable via a single search box
We are rapidly introducing search technology that “thinks like we think” (Semantic Search) Improving search accuracy by mapping your key word to concepts both narrower and broader 22 Latest Attractions
Besides accelerating scientific progress, we also encourage commercialization through a single search of DOE Labs’ Technology Transfer Resources 23
Yes, OSTI’s electronic collections are HUGE... yet only represent 15% of DOE’s total historic R&D output since the 1940s. We need to digitize and provide access to the remaining 85%. This this will require a $5 million investment... to unleash the value of $400 billion in R&D. How do you unleash the value of $400 billion in R&D? 15% 85% 24
What is the value of this vision? U.S. leadership in medicine & genomics is supported by the world’s best information infrastructure: the NIH/National Library of Medicine. That’s approximately $350M/year in commitment to cyber- infrastructure and data. It is a model for advancing science. A DOE NLE would be a national resource to advance energy literacy, innovation and security. 25
OSTI... Oak Ridge Working together we are creating the “Open Science City" 26