Change Management in Research Administration: Jennifer Wisdom, George Washington University Barbara Inderwiesche, University of California – Irvine Implementing Systems, People, and Culture Change
Learning Objectives Prepare for and structure institution-wide change activities Identify needs of target groups Understand common communication tactics used to manage resistance Foster collaboration between all stakeholders Successfully implement an institutional change Manage change on an institutional level Identify how to sustain changes
What is change management? Positioning Acknowledging Identifying Mitigating Change management is NOT: Training Telling “good” stories Project management
Important factors in organizational change PolicyOrganizationGroup/Team/IndividualNature of Innovation
Change in research administration may occur “top down” resulting from policy (e.g., FCOI) Change may occur “bottom up”, resulting in policy (e.g., implementation of Kuali Coeus) Policy can set parameters for the change to be conducted Policy
Organization Organizational culture and climate Organizational champion Capacity to change Financial incentives to change
Group/Team/Individual Individuals’ attitudes toward intervention and toward change Cultures, norms, mindsets Barriers to change
Nature of Innovation Similarity to current practice Relative advantage Complexity Observability Fit with users’ norms and values Trialability Feasibility
Common Steps for Institutional Change in Academic Research Administration 1.Preparation 2.Identify need for change 3.Structure change activities 4.Foster collaboration between all stakeholders 5.Implementation 6.Manage change on an institutional level 7.Sustain changes
1. Prepare for institution-wide change activities Cultivate readiness, not resistance Assess organizational readiness – Other campus-wide change activities? – Is campus able to absorb more changes? – What is the current climate? Identify leaders and challengers Identify target stakeholders
2. Identify needs of target groups Create a shared need Write business case What are costs of not changing? (Conduct interviews, surveys) Use discussions of needs to continue to build enthusiasm about project and identify potential challenges
3. Structure institution-wide change activities Identify Project Manager Create leadership teams, project teams Shape the “vision” – Focus on solutions, not problems – Key phrases – More of/Less of – Elevator Speech
A few tips for overcoming resistance to change … Mobilize commitment Identify influence agents (regardless of title or rank) …and those who are the opposite Understand first to then manage resistance Develop influence strategy – Key constituents – Technical-Political-Cultural analysis Communications
Understand their position (listen first) Explain your position Seek common ground Try another tactic! Reasonable people find it hard to resist a person who honestly wants to hear and respect their legitimate professional opinion. Demonstrate this respect, and enlist a supporter! Resolving Differences and Conflict
4. Foster collaboration among all stakeholders Who are the stakeholders? – Who serves most to gain – Who can help/who can slow or hinder progress – Who will be affected in any way Identify shared goals/benefits of project Learn how they would like to be involved Communicate/over communicate
5. Implementation Start date Reinforcement Pilot Training (multi-method, materials available)
6. Manage change on an institutional level Manage up Monitor and communicate progress (over communicate) Honesty and appreciation Adjust timelines as needed Seek input formally and informally on how change is progressing
7. Sustain changes Integration into current policies and procedures, including SOPs, instructions, sessions, etc. “new look and feel” Enhancements based on user feedback Refined training and training materials
Example 1: Kuali Coeus Implementation
1.Preparation 2.Identify need for change 3.Structure change activities 4.Foster collaboration between all stakeholders 5.Implementation 6.Manage change on an institutional level 7.Sustain changes Common Steps for Institutional Change in Academic Research Administration
Example 2: Decentralization of Research Administrative Staff
Common Steps for Institutional Change in Academic Research Administration 1.Preparation 2.Identify need for change 3.Structure change activities 4.Foster collaboration between all stakeholders 5.Implementation 6.Manage change on an institutional level 7.Sustain changes
Examples? Questions? Comments?
Change Management in Research Administration: Implementing Systems, People, and Culture Change Jennifer Wisdom, Associate Vice President for Research George Washington University (202) Barbara Inderwiesche, Kuali Coeus Administrator University of California – Irvine (949)