AFRICA & INDIA 1900-1945. COLONIAL AFRICA Few Europeans lived in Africa BUT – Built railroads, mines, companies, plantations – Europeans benefitted, Africans.


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Presentation transcript:


COLONIAL AFRICA Few Europeans lived in Africa BUT – Built railroads, mines, companies, plantations – Europeans benefitted, Africans did not Europeans brought health care – not enough Europeans brought mission schools – western ideas Africans migrated to cities because they offered jobs, but it hurt families

AFRICA & INDIA Western education and the realities of racial discrimination contributed to the RISE OF NATIONALISM (both Africa and India) Many Africans served in WWII They listened to Allied propoganda in favor of liberation against Nazi’s and came back with liberation ideas against the Europeans

NATIONALISTS Blaise Diagne, Senegal Wanted more African participation in politics and fair treatment in French army African National Congress, South Africa Inspired by pan-Africanists from America such as W.E.B. Du Bois and Marcus Garvey Wanted unity of African people around the world

ALGERIA VIOLENCE for Independnece France had control of Algeria and did not want to let it go (gas/oil fields, trade) Algerian Revolutionary Organization (FLN) VIOLENTLY fought and won independence, but France angry…French left but it hurt Algerian economy….Algerians went to France for jobs and were treated pooly

GHANA Non-violent independence Britain tired after WWII Kwame Nkrumah became leader and Ghana first African colony to achieve independence in Africa Kwame a very powerful nationalist speaker, but not a great administrator….ousted by army

KENYA Violent independence Jomo Kenyatta was nationalist leader Led a nationalist group called MAU MAU who fought with the British British charged Kenyatta and put him in prison for 8 years In 1961 – released him and then helped write a constitution for independent Kenya EFFECTIVE leader (unlike Nkrumah)

SOUTH AFRICA Apartheid in South Africa ANC (African National Congress) opposed it…at first non-violent (protests, strikes) After Sharpville shootings, violence as Nelson Mandela organized guerrilla resistance Sentenced to life in prison 1986 – 2 million person general strike International pressure to end apartheid 1994 – Mandela freed – becomes President!

HAILE SELASSIE, Ethiopia Ethiopia beat Italians under Menelik – battle of Adwa – in 1889 After Mussolini (Italy) invaded in 1935, Selassie made speech to League for help - Ignored Exiled in England, until war over

Rastafarian Movement Ras – “Duke” or “leader”, Tafari (Selassie’s name) Jamaicans believe that Haile Selassie is the messiah – will lead the African diaspora back Zion is Africa, especially Ethiopia Bob Marley is best known rastafarian

SIMILARITIES BETWEEN INDIA & AFRICAN INDEPENDENCE Both fighting British influence and government to obtain independence Both had strong, nationalistic leaders and organizations (Gandhi INC; Mandela ANC) Both started as non-violent Both nationalist movements that won freedom were divided and conflicted (India – Muslim vs. Hindu’s; Africa different groups)

DIFFERENCES BETWEEN INDIA & S. AFRICA INDIA Religious differences between Muslim & Hindus Leader (Gandhi) – no violence Country split into 2 (Pakistan and India) at Independence – many Muslims and Hindus died AFRICA No differences in ANC on religious grounds Apartheid Leader (Mandela) resorted to violence Country remained intact at independence

WHY THE BIG DIFFERENCES INDIA India had practice with Western-style democracy (elections, parties, civil liberties, education etc…) Struggle for independence had been long giving India time to sort leadership out British handed over power more gradually AFRICA Some say not ready? Tribal problems, traditional culture & immense diversity led to violence and ethnic conflict Economic performance was poor – disappointing nationalists & causing problems Africa does not depend on land-owning class