Cal Poly Sustainability Book Club Discussion led by Kate Lancaster February 18, 2011
“Why is our economic system consigning billions of people to degrading poverty, destroying Earth’s ecosystem, and tearing u the social fabric of civilized community?” (page 20)
Phantom Wealth Accounting Entry Debt Buccaneers Alice in Wonderland Growth!!! Technology Limits to Earth
Richest 2% own 51% assets, while poorest 50% own 1%
1. Provide every person with the opportunity for a healthy, dignified and fulfilling life; 2. Restore and maintain the vitality of Earth’s natural systems; 3. Nurture the relationships of strong caring communities; 4. Encourage economic cooperation in service to the public interest and democratically determined priorities; 5. Allocate resources equitably to socially and environmentally beneficial uses; and 6. Root economic power in people– and place- based communities to support the democratic ideal of one- person and one-vote citizen sovereignty.
Page 51 VERSUS Personal and Rooted Fair and balanced Internalized costs Creating livelihoods
“True democracy is born only through its practice.” (page 105) From “me” to “we” Indicators (Bhutan, Ecuador, Costa Rica)
1. Self-organize into dynamic, inclusive, self-reliant communities of place. 2. Balance individual and community needs and interest. 3. Practice frugality and reciprocity 4. Reward cooperation. 5. Optimize the sustainable capture and use of energy and matter by adapting to specific details of the microenvironment. 6. Form and manage permeable boundaries 7. Cultivate diversity and share knowledge.
1. Living wealth indicators 2. Living wealth money system 3. Shared prosperity 4. Living enterprises 5. Real democracy/real markets 6. Local living economies 7. Global rules
Ecological Balance Equitable Distribution Living Democracy