Professor Habib Alshuwaikhat
Introduction Growth management appeared in late 1960’s and early 1970’s and is defined as the regulation of the amount, timing, location, and character of development. Terms: growth management; growth control; no growth Goals of growth management include: environmental considerations, a desirable future pattern of land development, ensuring future needs of community facilities, fiscal motivation, and may have exclusionary motivation. Growth management plans or systems differ from traditional comprehensive planning not in the elements that compose them but in the synthesis of those elements. Prof. Alshuwaikhat - KFUPM - CP1012
The origin of growth management The rush to suburbanize after WW II. Growing environmental awareness: proposals to limit growth could now be supported on environmental grounds. There are winners and losers in growth management. See p. 271 for a sample of local growth management programs. Prof. Alshuwaikhat - KFUPM - CP1013
The challenge of smart growth The term smart growth appeared in the mid- 1990’s. Is it different from growth management? Much of the concern with smart growth has been driven by a concern with suburban sprawl. Reid Ewing’s list of indicators of sprawl: Leapfrog of scattered development Commercial strip development Large expanses of low-density or single-use development (as in sprawling bedroom communities) Prof. Alshuwaikhat - KFUPM - CP1014
Planning for Sustainability Sustainable development is the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (1987 Report of the World commission on Environment and Development- Brundtland Commission) Sustainable development planning: planning that addresses three overall goals in a coordinated manner: environmental quality, social equity, and economic development, easily remembered as the three “Es” Prof. Alshuwaikhat - KFUPM - CP1015
Diagram Showing Sustainable Development Prof. Alshuwaikhat - KFUPM - CP1016
Sustainable Development At the local level it shares many techniques with growth management and smart growth. One way it differs is the very long time horizon, and perhaps another way is that its proponents are concerned with all scales of development from local to global. The prominent position that it gives to equity issue Prof. Alshuwaikhat - KFUPM - CP1018