Environmental Studies Information Technologies Workshop October 26 th, 1998 ESIT
Objectives Technology Transfer Resource Awareness Information Exchange CD-ROM Instructional Tool Faculty Community Technology Transfer Resource Awareness Information Exchange CD-ROM Instructional Tool Faculty Community ESIT
Agenda Opening Session –Introductions…………………….….M. Zimmerman –Power of Information Technology…W. Bertrand –Goals, Agenda, and Theme…………C. Reith Opening Session –Introductions…………………….….M. Zimmerman –Power of Information Technology…W. Bertrand –Goals, Agenda, and Theme…………C. Reith ESIT
Agenda ESIT Presentation Tools and Instructional Design –Microsoft Power Point…………C. Reith –Tool Book II Assistant…….…C & NB Reith –Instructional Design and High-end Technologies….……..A. Bengoa Presentation Tools and Instructional Design –Microsoft Power Point…………C. Reith –Tool Book II Assistant…….…C & NB Reith –Instructional Design and High-end Technologies….……..A. Bengoa
Agenda Discussion, Internet, and Deliverable Design –Info Technologies……………..…Audience Input –Internet: visitation and posting...C. Reith –CD-ROM Design…..………….…Reith/Bengoa Discussion, Internet, and Deliverable Design –Info Technologies……………..…Audience Input –Internet: visitation and posting...C. Reith –CD-ROM Design…..………….…Reith/Bengoa ESIT
Agenda ESIT Demonstration “one-on-one” working session –Ernie Edmundson Demonstration “one-on-one” working session –Ernie Edmundson
Workshop Theme ESIT Sustainable Development and Environmental Stewardship Integrative, Overarching Theme with International Elements Area of Cross-campus Initiative, including Instruction, Outreach, and Grant Writing Something to Which we can all Contribute Sustainable Development and Environmental Stewardship Integrative, Overarching Theme with International Elements Area of Cross-campus Initiative, including Instruction, Outreach, and Grant Writing Something to Which we can all Contribute
Sustainable Development Sustainable development is the context for sustainable enterprise Meeting the needs of this generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. –Our Common Future…Bruntland Commision Living on Earth’s Income rather than its Capital - Murray Gell-Mann…Nobel Physicist Business in Harmony with Nature - Gordon Forward…CEO TXI Chaparral
Elements of Sustainable Development Economic Development Environmental Stewardship Equitable Opportunity Equitable Opportunity
Disciplines in Sustainable Development Economics Policy Science Humanities Health Communication Enterprise
Historical Empty Earth Today’s Full Earth Human Enterprise
Historical Empty Earth Today’s Full Earth Human Enterprise The Natural Step
Promoting the Transition to Sustainability... Through Education
CD-ROM Deliverable (plus web site) ESIT Objective and Utility Target Audience Thematic Content Design Process Individual Contributions Objective and Utility Target Audience Thematic Content Design Process Individual Contributions