International Workshop on Flash Flood Forecasting – Costa Rica March 2006 WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION Weather, Climate and Water INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON FLASH FLOOD FORECASTING OVERVIEW OF THE FLOOD-RELATED PROGRAMMES OF WMO Bruce Stewart President of CHy
International Workshop on Flash Flood Forecasting – Costa Rica March 2006 CONTENT Role of WMO in Hydrology and Water Resources Objectives of WMO in Hydrology and Water Resources Flood-related Activities Other WMO Programmes Conclusions
International Workshop on Flash Flood Forecasting – Costa Rica March 2006 ROLE OF WMO IN HWR Safety of life and property Information and knowledge in support of Integrated Water Resources Management Capacity building Support for knowledge based operations and policies Promotion of risk management approach
International Workshop on Flash Flood Forecasting – Costa Rica March 2006 OBJECTIVE OF WMO IN HWR To apply hydrology to: meet the needs for sustainable development and use of water and related resources; the prevention and mitigation of water-related disasters; and ensure effective environmental management at national, regional and international levels.
International Workshop on Flash Flood Forecasting – Costa Rica March 2006 FOCUS OF WMO IN HWR The measurement of basic hydrological elements form networks of hydrological and meteorological stations The collection, processing, storage, retrieval and publication of hydrological data The provision of hydrological data and related information for use in planning and operating water resources projects and monitoring the status of water resources The provision of effective flood forecasting and warning services
International Workshop on Flash Flood Forecasting – Costa Rica March 2006 COMPONENTS OF THE HWRP Basic Systems in Hydrology Forecasting and Applications in Hydrology Sustainable Development of Water Resources Capacity Building in Hydrology and Water Resources Water-related Issues
International Workshop on Flash Flood Forecasting – Costa Rica March 2006 FLOOD-RELATED ACTIVITIES What do we mean by Flood-related activities?
International Workshop on Flash Flood Forecasting – Costa Rica March 2006 Total Flood Warning System Prediction Interpretation Message Construction Protective Response Review after event Feedback during event Communication
International Workshop on Flash Flood Forecasting – Costa Rica March 2006 FLOOD RELATED-ACTIVITIES Prediction -Measurement of rainfall -Measurement of river height (WHYCOS) -Derivation of streamflow -QPE and QPF -Hydrological Modelling
International Workshop on Flash Flood Forecasting – Costa Rica March 2006 FLOOD RELATED-ACTIVITIES Interpretation -Flood hazard mapping -Hydraulic modelling -??? Message construction -???
International Workshop on Flash Flood Forecasting – Costa Rica March 2006 FLOOD RELATED-ACTIVITIES (Ctd.) Communication -Collection systems -Dissemination systems -Web-based information -??? Protective response -Design rainfall/flood information -Awareness raising -???
International Workshop on Flash Flood Forecasting – Costa Rica March 2006 SPECIFIC INITIATIVES Standards and Practices Automated rating curve derivation Streamflow Gauging Manual Intercomparison Project – Instruments, Transmission Systems Guide to Hydrological Practices WHYCOS – HYCOS
International Workshop on Flash Flood Forecasting – Costa Rica March 2006 SPECIFIC INITIATIVES (Ctd.) Flood Design Manual PMP Manual Flood Forecasting Manual WMO Flood Initiative International Flood Initiative Global Flood Forecasting Project
International Workshop on Flash Flood Forecasting – Costa Rica March 2006 GLOBAL/REGIONAL SHORT-TERM HYDROLOGICAL FORECASTING SYSTEM RECOMMENDATIONS The tools should be tested in different river basins (in particular, in an arid/semi-arid region); Preference should be given to river basins that are multi-national; The role of the NHSs and other stakeholders must be recognised and maintained The involvement of relevant WMO Regional Association Working Groups on Hydrology should be sought; and Possible river basins include: the Limpopo, Lake Victoria, a river basin in West Africa, the Mekong, Central America, the Niger and the Oka.
International Workshop on Flash Flood Forecasting – Costa Rica March 2006 GLOBAL/REGIONAL SHORT-TERM HYDROLOGICAL FORECASTING SYSTEM STEPS/STAGES A compilation of the approaches (QPE, QPF, etc); A study identifying in greater detail the strengths and weaknesses of the approaches; A comparative testing of targeted elements of the forecast capability; Development of a prototypical composite system or systems; and Preparation of project packages for funding (including a needs assessment).
International Workshop on Flash Flood Forecasting – Costa Rica March 2006 RECENT DIRECTIONS Web Products Maps and data bulletins Updated hourly – daily Modelling Spatially distributed, event- based National system - scaleable Hydromet Inputs Quantitative radar rain NWP, QPF
International Workshop on Flash Flood Forecasting – Costa Rica March 2006 Single Most Important Action? Community education, engagement & awareness – participation, empowerment, ownership. People should be made aware of their personal risk Improved agency coordination – national consistency/national agency, improved agency coordination framework Better risk communication – incl. use of technology, radio/media accessibility
International Workshop on Flash Flood Forecasting – Costa Rica March 2006 CONCLUDING REMARKS WMO is doing a lot in its areas of expertise Where should we target future initiatives? Any flood forecasting system is only as strong as its weakest link – how do we involve all of the stakeholders? Stress the need for greater collaboration between NHSs and NMSs in flood forecasting Look forward to the presentations and discussions from this week to futher define and refine the HWR work plan