Resiliency Presented by School and District ESS Teams
What is Resiliency adapting well in the face of adversity “bouncing back” from difficult experiences “Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it” -Charles Swindoll
What can a lack of resiliency look like in children ?
What does a resilient child look like? Link:Jessica’s morning affirmation Link:Jessica’s morning affirmation
Tips for Helping your child Build their Bounce Build positive beliefs in your child’s abilities Help your child find a sense of purpose Help your child make and keep friends Eat healthy foods and exercise regularly Help your child cope with disappointment Take steps to solve problems – don’t ignore them!
A Resilient Person has a… STRONG FOUNDATION!! Self Regulation AttachmentBelonging ContributionCollaborationAdaptability Academic Skills Language Development
Adaptability I am learning that there are different rules for different places. o Being successful in different places and with different people o A child who is adaptable will most often at least try to comply with adult prompting and will begin to internalize the rules and norms of different environments o e.g. knows to use quiet feet when walking in hallways but can run when on the playground.
Contribution I have a responsibility to myself and others. o A belief in one’s own gifts and talents and the persistence of working through the challenges to perfect a skill. o A desire to apply these skills and talents for the benefit of him/herself, family and community. o E.g. learning to tie shoes and wanting to teach a friend Link: child learning to ride a bike
Collaboration I am learning how to work and play with others. o The ability to work and play with others o Includes the life skill of conflict resolution o E.g child is good at turn taking, easily joins in to a group, happily cooperates with others. Angry birds getting along with pigs
Attachment I have people in my life who cherish and guide me. o Three strategies to help strengthen your attachment to children are: 1. Get to know children well. 2. Interact with affection. 3. Recognize “insides”. o Safety is fundamental to attachment. o Hockey link:
Belonging I am a part of the group not apart from the group. o Three things we can do to strengthen a sense of belonging in our students: 1) Support family belonging. 2) Promote belonging to the group. 3) Encourage the development of friendships. o We need to create a classroom environment that is a “home away from home”. Link: animated team work
Self Regulation I can manage my emotions and empathize with others. o Includes emotional skills such as labeling feelings, and managing emotions (developing empathy is a very important component of this skill) o What can we do to help? o Help children understand emotions o Help children notice that feelings change o Help children regulate emotions o Help children learn impulse control o Promote empathy Link: Cookie Monster: ME WAIT
Things to think about: Scenario #1 Your child has a melt-down when asked to stop a favorite activity. Scenario #2 Not getting what they want when they want it (e.g. not winning, turn is over, or they are angry) Scenario #3 What happens when your child becomes frustrated? (Stuart Shanker)
Here’s a wonderful strategy to try at home: Quick overview of Flip it -
Closing remarks Discuss Guidance “weebly” as a helpful resource Thank you for coming! Questions or comments?