Budget Update FY 12 Mid Year Revenue Analysis and FY 13 Budget Planning Janet Parker, Associate Vice President, Financial Affairs Mary Simon, Senior Director, Budget Development & Planning PRESENTATION TO THE UNIVERSITY STRATEGIC RESOURCE PLANNING COUNCIL JANUARY 26, 2012 Janet Parker, Associate Vice President, Financial Affairs Mary Simon, Senior Director, Budget Development & Planning PRESENTATION TO THE UNIVERSITY STRATEGIC RESOURCE PLANNING COUNCIL JANUARY 26,
UT System Office of Strategic Initiatives Report Undergraduate Fall Tuition & Fee Price & Operational Revenue – January 12, 2012 Posted at Financial Affairs /Budget Website: /pdf/uts-undergradFallTuition.pdf /pdf/uts-undergradFallTuition.pdf Undergraduate Fall Tuition & Fee Price & Operational Revenue – January 12, 2012 Posted at Financial Affairs /Budget Website: /pdf/uts-undergradFallTuition.pdf /pdf/uts-undergradFallTuition.pdf 2
Cumulative Rate Increase since Fall 03 UT Dallas 110% UTSA 98.2% UT Arlington 96.4% UTEP 89.4% UT Austin 79.9% 3
Amounts above adjusted for inflation Cumulative Change since UT Arlington -33.7% UTEP -17.4% UT Dallas -16.8% UT Austin -12.3% UTSA - 5.6% 4
Above amounts adjusted for inflation 5
Mid Year Tuition & Fee Revenue Projections 6
Tuition and Student Fee Revenue Projections TOTAL Tuition Statutory Tuition Designated Tuition Lab & Supplemental Fees TOTAL Mandatory Student Fees Designated - Mandatory Fees Auxiliary - Mandatory Fees TOTAL Incidental Student Fees Designated Program, Course Fees Auxiliary Student Parking TUITION AND STUDENT FEES (before set asides for Tuition) Budget FY2012 $143,906 44,695 99, $68,077 41,577 26,500 $22,361 18,976 3,385 $234,605 Forecast FY2012 * $149,863 47, , $70,397 43,030 27,367 $23,287 19,887 3,400 $243,828 % Increase over Budget 4.1% 6.5% 3.1% 7.7% 3.4% 3.5% 3.3% 4.1% 4.8% 0.4% 3.9 % ($000) * Preliminary forecast pending Spring Census review 7
Revenue Generating Semester Credit Hours (in thousands) SCH (in thousands) 81.5% of exemptions due to Hazelwood-a 3 fold increase over 3 yrs 8
HC % ChgSCH % Chg Total Revenue Exempted % Chg FY ESTIMATE 2,22128%23,43436%7,431,00040% FY ,740113%17,170165%$5,317,039162% FY % 6,48823% 2,025,97829% FY ,263 1,566,792 FY , ,616,761-- Hazelwood Exemption Trend Total revenue exempted includes all tuition & fees, except Student Service fees. Hazelwood exemptions comprise 84% of total exemptions (FY12 est. = $8.9 Mil) 9 We expect Hazelwood exemptions to continue to grow at a higher rate as more veterans exit the military.
10 Revenue Projections Estimated revenue generating SCH (non-exempted) or headcount depending on how fee is assessed TERM FY 11 Actual SCH FY 12 Budgeted SCH Revised Projection SCH Chg over PY Actual Chg over CY Budget “Pending” Mid Yr Adjstmt FALL334,735327, ,6597, % 14, % 342,659 SPR309,483301,150309,48308, % 315,673 SUM70,12166,110 64,220-5,901 -1,890 59,600 TOTAL714,339695,000716,3622, % 21, % 717, % increase over budget Will be adjusted based on Spring Census review
Actual FY Certified “Paying” SCH and Headcount Fall HCFall 10 Spring HCSpring 11 Sum HCSum 11 Total HC % HC Total SCH % SCH UG - Res24,462299,94222,593274,6228,91157,83455, % 632, % UG - NR5136, , ,7411, % 15, % G - Res3,45621,5803,35321,4681,7568,5228, % 51, % G - NR2291, , % 3, % Doctoral Res6304, , ,5571, % 10, % Doctoral NR % % Total FY 1129,304334,73527,325309,48311,45670,12168, % 714, % Frcst FY1229,840342,65927,325309,48310,74664,21967, ,
1.2% 2.8% 1.7% 5.0%5.5% 12.4% 1.3% 18.6%17.8% 19.4% 14.0%61.6%.9% TOTAL 5.4% incr. 26.0% incr. 50.6% incr. 1.3% 23.3% 3.1%0.3% 60.0% incr. 8.1% incr. 12 Cumulative Change
Biggest % growth increase due to non-resident students UG students account for 91% of SCH & 90% of Tuition & Fee revenue FALL 2011 Semester 13
14 Mid Year Budget Adjustments Current Year FY12 Mid Year Budget adjustments will be made to all revenue accounts using Fall 11 Actual, Spring Census & 85% of prior year Summer SCH/Headcounts Summer 12 enrollment unpredictable due to lack of Pell awards Financial Aid suggests Summer 12 enrollment will be closer to FY09 – which is roughly 85% of what we budgeted Adjustments will be completed by end of February
15 Tuition & Fee Proposal Graduation Rate Improvement Plan was very well received by UT System but required changes to draft proposal: Eliminate Energy fee and change designated tuition rates to reflect exactly 2.600% increase in T&F net of Athletics increase for undergraduate total academic costs. Resulted in: New designated tuition rates: Increased designated tuition set asides for financial aid Less total revenue to replace the lost funding to the utility budget
16 Tuition & Fee Proposal Undergraduate Designated Tuition FY 2012 FY 2013 FY2014 New Rate$142.75$150.25$ Proposed Rate$148.75$ Revised Per Semester Total Academic Cost (TAC) 15 SCH $4,541.25$4,671 Proposed TAC$4542$4674 Change to DT Set Aside$185,455 Budget Planning Impact Utilities Summer Session
17 Tuition & Fee Proposal Graduate Designated Tuition FY 2012 FY 2013FY2014 New Rate$142.75$159.50$ Proposed Rate$156.00$ Revised Per Semester Total Academic Cost (TAC) 9 SCH $3,566.80$3, Proposed TACNAV Change to DT Set Aside$30,793$6,592 Revised proposal found at: TuitionandFeesProposalF12-F14.pdf
18 FY13 Budget Planning SCH basis for revenue projections will continue to be conservative All new tuition revenue due to rate increases if approved, must be allocated towards the Graduation Rate Improvement Plan and graduate education as detailed in the Tuition & Fee proposal Limits flexibility for other new funding awards, e.g. merit Possible reductions to state appropriations in the next biennium beginning FY 14, including changes to formula could have a significant impact to UTSA FY 13 “Resources & Requirements” will be developed for CMO to review in February
FY 13 Budget Planning Calendar Feb 1Census Date Spring 2012 Semester Feb 8Board of Regents Budget Policies and Guidelines Feb 24Revenue Projections and Debt Service Budgets to Fee Funded areas Mar 6FY13 Status Quo Budget Preparation Begins by Departments MarchBudget Planning by CMO & Strategic Resource Planning Council March 30FY13 Budget Documents are due to Budget Office April 2 - 9Preparation for UT System Budget Goals & Priorities Hearing May 7 -10Draft FY13 Operating Budget due to UT System August 22FY13 Operating Budgets approved by Board of Regents 19