If you are comparing and contrasting different areas within a continent, what theme of Geography are you working with the most?
If you are describing how ancient empires used the prevailing winds and their natural resources to trade, what theme of geography are you working with?
What is a colony?
Identify the highlighted country
What is nationalism?
Identify the highlighted country
Identify the highlighted landform
What four things need to be in an SCR?
Identify the highlighted country
What effects might a widespread disease have on a country?
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What is relative location?
List the three Abrahamic religions
Define the word “sect”
Identify the highlighted country
When did the Ottoman Empire control Southwest Asia?
Identify the highlighted country
Who controlled what is now Israel and the Palestinian Territories after WWI?
What happened in Israel in 1948?
Who are the Palestinians?
Identify the highlighted country
What is a cartogram?
Identify the highlighted country
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What is a physical map?