spring It’s warm in spring.
summer It’s hot in summer.
autumn It’s cool in autumn.
winter It’s cold in winter.
summer spring winter autumn
It’s ______ in _______. It’s cold in winter. It’s hot in summer.
It’s ______ in _______. It’s cool in autumn. It’s warm in spring.
It’s ______ in _______. It’s cool in autumn. It’s hot in summer. Watermelon maple leaf / leaves It’s cool in autumn. It’s hot in summer.
It’s ______ in _______. It’s hot in summer. It’s cold in winter.
It’s ______ in _______. It’s hot in summer. It’s warm in spring.
How is the weather? rainy rain y It’s rainy.
How is the weather? windy wind y It’s windy.
How is the weather? cloudy cloud y It’s cloudy.
How is the weather? sunny sun ny It’s sunny.
How is the weather? snowy snow y It’s snowy.
rainy windy sunny cloudy snowy
How is the weather? It’s warm / cold / cool / hot. sunny / rainy / cloudy / windy / snowy.