Vocabulary list 4 Definitions, Parts of Speech, and Example Sentences
To abrogate (verb) DEF: To abolish by authoritative action; to do away with RELATED PARTS OF SPEECH: Abrogation, noun EX. SENTENCE: Once a law is created it is normally around for a while since they can be very difficult to abrogate.
Blasphemy (noun) DEF: Words, speech, or action that offends religious beliefs. RELATED PARTS OF SPEECH: Blasphemous, adj. EX. SENTENCE: For some of the survivors, being devout Catholics, eating the flesh of the dead was blasphemous, but Algorta was able to argue for eating the flesh in a way that it made sense religiously.
Credible (adj) DEF: Believable RELATED PARTS OF SPEECH: Credibility, noun Credibly, adv. EX. SENTENCE: In La Vie en Rose, Marion Cotillard does a credible job playing Edith Piaf, and you sometimes feel you are actually watching the real singer.
Enigma (noun) DEF: Something hard to understand or explain. RELATED PARTS OF SPEECH: Enigmatic, adj. Enigmatically, adv. EX. SENTENCE: Science has a way of making even the most enigmatic phenomena understandable with time.
Harbinger (noun) DEF: an indicator; a bringer of a warning RELATED PARTS OF SPEECH: To harbinger, verb EX. SENTENCE: The eerie calm was a harbinger of the violent storm which quickly blackened the sky.
Mendacious (adj) DEF: Given to lying; marked by lies and deception. RELATED PARTS OF SPEECH: Mendacity, noun Mendaciously, adv. EX. SENTENCES: Some tabloids frequently publish mendacious stories about celebrities; nevertheless, some people believe them.
To nuzzle (verb) DEF: To work with the nose; to snuggle or cuddle. RELATED PARTS OF SPEECH: EX. SENTENCE: After giving her a treat, the dog nuzzled my hand looking for more.
Plaudit (noun) DEF: A statement giving strong praise; enthusiastic approval. RELATED PARTS OF SPEECH: Tangibility, noun EX. SENTENCE: The proud parents celebrated that their son had received many plaudits for his academic achievements upon graduation.
Reprehensible (adj) DEF: Shameful, very bad. RELATED PARTS OF SPEECH: Reprehensibility, noun Reprehensibly, adverb EXAMPLE SENTENCE: The tyrant was finally brought to justice, after years of reprehensible, violent actions against his people.
Tardy DEF: Slow; late; overdue. RELATED PARTS OF SPEECH: Tardiness, noun EX. SENTENCE: After being warned that her tardiness might cost her her job, she arrived 5 minutes early every day.