Class Schedule Prep Session Make a Great Schedule, Have a Smooth Semester!
Classes? Courses? Confusion? Is this how you feel?
Core Courses CS 225 : Data Structures Basic foundation, C++ Important for interviews Cinda is awesome! Emily Chao (Webmaster and CS 225 TA) CS 233 : Computer Architecture Insight into computer hardware Robin Sturm (Academic Chair and CS 233 TA)
Core Courses CS 241 – System Programming Working of an Operating System Low level knowledge Programming Language : C David Zmick (CS 241 TA) CS 374 (CS 498) – Algorithm And Models of Computation Really, really, really important! Algorithms, Analysis – Foundation Course Essential for interviews and Internships
Different Tracks for Tech Electives Link: Software Foundation Algorithms and Models of Computation Intelligence and Big Data Human and Social Impact Media Scientific, Parallel, and High Performance Computing Distributed Systems, Networking, and Security Machines
GenEds Different Categories to satisfy : Keep that in mind Check your DARS report : audit audit Some Easy GenEds : Dance 100 Thea 101 Phil 102 Geog 106 Mus 130 (Half Semester) SHS 120 (Half Semester)