CS Curriculum Changes Fall, 2016
BS Computer Science 2015 COMPUTER SCIENCE COURSES—64 Hours COMPUTER SCIENCE CORE (48 Hours) CS 258Intro to Object-Oriented Programming using C# CS 215Discrete Structures for Computer Science ECE 241Digital Logic CS 358Intermediate Object-Oriented Programming using C# CS 311Algorithm Design (F) CS 321Architecture of Digital Computers (Sp) ECE 347Microcomputer Engineering CS 365Operating Systems (F) CIS 367Intro to Data Communication CIS 375Systems Analysis & Design CIS 377Introduction to Database Concepts CS 379Programming Languages (F) CS 411Network Management & Security (Sp) CS 461Artificial Intelligence (Sp) CS 478Software Development (F) CS 483Senior S/E Project I (Sp) COMPUTER SCIENCE PROFESSIONAL COURSES: (12 hours) CIS 305Management Information Systems Legacy Language Directed Elective COLLEGE of BUSINESS COURSES (4 hours) BCOM 231Business Communications or ENG 210 Technical Writing BCOM 401Bus. Career Plan. & Prof. Development
BS Computer Science 2016 COMPUTER SCIENCE COURSES—64 Hours COMPUTER SCIENCE CORE (48 Hours) CS 258Intro to Object-Oriented Programming using C# CS 215Discrete Structures for Computer Science ECE 241Digital Logic CS 358Intermediate Object-Oriented Programming using C# CS 311Algorithm Design (F) CS 321Architecture of Digital Computers (Sp) ECE 347Microcomputer Engineering CS 365Operating Systems (F) CIS 367Intro to Data Communication CIS 375Systems Analysis & Design CIS 377Introduction to Database Concepts CS 379Programming Languages (F) CS 458Advanced C# (.NET) (Sp) CS 461Artificial Intelligence (Sp) CS 478Software Development (F) CS 483Senior S/E Project I (Sp) COMPUTER SCIENCE PROFESSIONAL COURSES: (12 hours) Directed Elective COLLEGE of BUSINESS COURSES (4 hours) BCOM 231Business Communications BCOM 401Bus. Career Plan. & Prof. Development
Directed Electives CIS 201 Management Information Systems CIS 276 Introduction to Enterprise Web Development CIS 376 Programming for Enterprise Web Development (CIS 276) CIS 335 Special Topics in Information Systems CIS 345 Information Systems Security & Risk Management CIS 385 Enterprise Resource Planning CIS 487 Special Topics (CIS 305) CS 421 Study of Legacy Languages (CS 358) CS 499 Projects in Computer Science (can be taken up to 2 times with different topics) ECE 447 Embedded Systems Design (ECE 347) MA 330 Calculus II (MA 230) MA 335 Calculus III (MA 335) MA 413 Linear Algebra (MA 335) MA 437 Numerical Analysis (MA 253, 230, 330, & 335)
Possible Minors CIS CIS201 – Management Information Systems CIS301 – Enterprise Resource Planning CIS454 – Managing Information Technology Web Development ARTD231 – Introduction to Graphic Design ARTD381 – Interactive Web Design CIS276 – Introduction to Enterprise Web Development CIS376 – Programming for Enterprise Web Development Entrepreneurship MGMT352 – Entrepreneurship Ideation and Innovation MGMT353 – Entrepreneurship Feasibility and Business Plan Development MGMT354 – Strategic Entrepreneurship CIS276 – Introduction to Enterprise Web Development CIS376 – Programming for Enterprise Web Development