Does Internet Usage Predict College Adjustment among First-Year Students? Kelvin Bentley Northwestern State University Kelvin Bentley Northwestern State University
Topics Research Background Hypotheses Method Results Conclusions and Directions for Future Research Research Background Hypotheses Method Results Conclusions and Directions for Future Research
Research Background Research attempting to link Internet usage to loneliness and depression –Kraut and colleagues (1998) “Internet addiction” research with college students –Morahan-Martin and Schumacher (2000) –Davis and colleagues (1998) –Shrerer and colleagues(1997) Research attempting to link Internet usage to loneliness and depression –Kraut and colleagues (1998) “Internet addiction” research with college students –Morahan-Martin and Schumacher (2000) –Davis and colleagues (1998) –Shrerer and colleagues(1997)
Research Background Examination of coping styles and college adjustment –Aspinwall and Taylor (1992) –Leong, Bonz, & Zachar (1997) Examining relationships between computer self-efficacy, coping style, and computer hassles –Hudiburg and Necessary (1996) Examination of coping styles and college adjustment –Aspinwall and Taylor (1992) –Leong, Bonz, & Zachar (1997) Examining relationships between computer self-efficacy, coping style, and computer hassles –Hudiburg and Necessary (1996)
Hypotheses Students will have poor adjustment to college if the following are true: –They are women (mainly for personal- emotional adjustment) –They are infrequent users of the Internet –They have low levels of Internet self- efficacy –They have experienced frequent computer- and Internet-related hassles. Students will have poor adjustment to college if the following are true: –They are women (mainly for personal- emotional adjustment) –They are infrequent users of the Internet –They have low levels of Internet self- efficacy –They have experienced frequent computer- and Internet-related hassles.
Overview of Participants 244 Northwestern State University students enrolled in various psychology courses during the Fall 2001 semester –Average age: 21.7 years –Gender 65 Men 175 Women 4 students had data that was missing 244 Northwestern State University students enrolled in various psychology courses during the Fall 2001 semester –Average age: 21.7 years –Gender 65 Men 175 Women 4 students had data that was missing
Overview of Participants Classification of Participants –70 Freshmen –91 Sophomores –30 Juniors –52 Seniors Classification of Participants –70 Freshmen –91 Sophomores –30 Juniors –52 Seniors
Overview of Participants 133 European-Americans 64 African-Americans 2 Hispanic-Americans 12 Native Americans 22 students reported “Other” 7 students had missing data 133 European-Americans 64 African-Americans 2 Hispanic-Americans 12 Native Americans 22 students reported “Other” 7 students had missing data
Overview of Measures Independent Variables –Computer usage Internet-based Non-Internet based –Internet self-efficacy –Computer- and Internet-related hassles Independent Variables –Computer usage Internet-based Non-Internet based –Internet self-efficacy –Computer- and Internet-related hassles
Overview of Study Variables Independent Variables –Coping Style Task-focused Emotion-focused Avoidant-focused Independent Variables –Coping Style Task-focused Emotion-focused Avoidant-focused
Overview of Study Variables Dependent Variables –College Adjustment Academic Social Personal-Emotional Attachment to the Institution Dependent Variables –College Adjustment Academic Social Personal-Emotional Attachment to the Institution
Sex by Grade ANOVA’s
Gender by Computer Hassle Group ANOVA’s
Gender by Internet Self- Efficacy Group ANOVA’s
Regression Analyses
Discussion Women used more emotion- focused coping strategies than men. –But men might be more at risk for using these strategies in their first-year of college. –Men have higher levels of Internet self- efficacy compared to women. Women used more emotion- focused coping strategies than men. –But men might be more at risk for using these strategies in their first-year of college. –Men have higher levels of Internet self- efficacy compared to women.
Discussion The effects of emotion-focused coping on academic adjustment was influenced by the level of computer hassles experienced. This finding remained significant when only freshmen were examined.
Discussion Students in the high computer- and Internet hassles group were more likely to have lower levels of personal-emotional adjustment compared to students in the low- hassles group. –The women of this group had lower personal-emotional adjustment scores compared to men. Students in the high computer- and Internet hassles group were more likely to have lower levels of personal-emotional adjustment compared to students in the low- hassles group. –The women of this group had lower personal-emotional adjustment scores compared to men.
Future Research Includes… Design a research model to examine the predictors of college adjustment among online college students compared to f2f learners.