Chapter 11 The Italian Renaissance Civilization in the West, Seventh Edition by Kishlansky/Geary/O’Brien Copyright © 2008, Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Pearson Longman I.Renaissance Society II.Renaissance Art III.Renaissance Ideals IV.The Politics of the Italian City-States
Chapter 11 The Italian Renaissance Civilization in the West, Seventh Edition by Kishlansky/Geary/O’Brien V. Energy 21.The clever combatant looks to the effect of combined energy, and does not require too much from individuals. Hence his ability to pick out the right men and utilize combined energy. Connection: The collaborative study guide can be wielded as a powerful tool to achieve success on the AP Exam. Sun-Tzu’s The Art of War
Assignment: Wk 2, cont. 1.Kishlansky, Chapter 10 Quest Thurs. 9/1 2.Read Kishlansky, Chp 11, pp , completing collaboratively the study guide. Have chosen representative your work to me. (due Friday, 9/2) 3.Using the Chapter Outline, pp 318, as well as the Chapter PP, prepare with partners 1 portion for in-class presentation. (due Friday, 9/2) 4.Take the 3 practice on-line quizzes at: Any questions you missed, note the issue and do a little research to understand the “right” answer. 5.Do some organized study on the Italian Renaissance: the arts. Read selected chapter of the Annotated Mona Lisa Go to and see the PPs at The Return of Martin Guerre (due Tues. 9/6)
Assignment: Wks 2-3, cont. 1.View Bucholz 30-min. lectures #2-4: Geography is Destiny, Culture is Destiny, Renaissance Humanism Check out DVD from me. Make photocopies of notes, if desired. 2.5-min. Presentation – Renaissance Art (Thurs.) View Notes View, slide 4. 3.Complete Study Guide, Chapter 12 and send, per instructions, to coordinator.
Renaissance Art: Humanism
Ambrogio Lorenzetti, Good Government in the City, public palace, Siena,
Masaccio, The Expulsion of Adam and Eve, Brancacci Chapel, 1427
Masaccio: St. Peter Healing With His Shadow, Brancacci Chapel, 1427
Masaccio: The Holy Trinity
Gozzoli, Procession of the Magi,
Botticelli: The Adoration of the Magi
Botticelli, La Primavera, 1482
Botticelli, The Birth of Venus, 1485
medieval madonna: 13 th century
Raphael: The Calonna Madonna, 1515
Donatello: David, 1440
Location of Donatello’s David: Medici Sculpture Garden: private art
Michaelangelo: David,
Location of Michaelangeo’s David: Piazza della Signoria public art
Michaelangelo: The Sistine Chapel,
Michaelangelo, Sistine Chapel, The Creation of Adam
Michaelangelo: Sistine Chapel, The Expulsion of Adam and Eve
Michaelangelo, Sistine Chapel, The Last Judgment
Michelangelo: Pieta (Nicodemus)
Saint Peter’s Basilica: Rome Michelangelo (dome) and Bernini (piazza)
Leonardo: The Last Supper,
Leonardo: Mona Lisa,
Palladio: Villa Rotunda
University of Virginia: “neoclassical,” “Greek Revival”