31 Use the questions found on page 36 to reflect on your quick write experience: 1.What prompted me to write this entry? 2.How is this entry written? Why did I write it this way? 3.What happened in my thinking as I was writing this? 4.What can I imagine doing with this entry? Julie Anderson & Charmion Mohning, Cy-Fair I.S.D.
33 Where does noted author Carl Hiaasen find the “fodder” for his successful novels? Listen in on the interview CBS reporter Steve Kroft has with Carl Hiaasen. Julie Anderson & Charmion Mohning, Cy-Fair I.S.D.
34 Find some intriguing internet tidbits, newspaper snippets, or pithy magazine morsels to share with your NBA team tomorrow. Consider how the “trash” can be recycled into a treasure trove of writing ideas. Julie Anderson & Charmion Mohning, Cy-Fair I.S.D.
36 Units of Study Mini-lessons You Julie Anderson & Charmion Mohning, Cy-Fair I.S.D.
37 Level of TEACHER Support Level of LEARNER Control Little/No Control High Support High Control Little/No Support Julie Anderson & Charmion Mohning, Cy-Fair I.S.D. 37
38 Take a closer look at the district unit of study – Personal Narrative Writing. How will the different parts of the unit – Immersion, Collecting Ideas, & Engaging in the Writing Process – work together to create a powerful instructional framework. Julie Anderson & Charmion Mohning, Cy-Fair I.S.D.
39 Connection (1-2 minutes) ___ I connected today's work with our ongoing work. ___ I explicitly stated my teaching point. Teach (5-6 minutes) ___ I restated my teaching point. ___ I told a personal or class story connected to the teaching point. ___ I demonstrated by thinking aloud. ___ I pointed out things students should have noticed. Active Involvement (2-3 minutes) ___ I asked students to be actively involved by turning and talking. ___ I listened / observed / coached their active involvement. ___ I shared an example of what I heard / observed. Link (1-2 minutes) ___ I restated the teaching point. ___ I told students how what I had taught can be used in the future. Source: The Art of Teaching Reading by Lucy Calkins
40 Select one of the mini-lessons in What I know by Heart to review. Notebook Strategy (p. 50) Finding Seed Ideas (p. 56) Nurturing Seed Ideas (p. 59) Revision (p. 64) Julie Anderson & Charmion Mohning, Cy-Fair I.S.D.
41 Create a “Treasure Trove of Trash.” Find and bring some intriguing internet tidbits, a newspaper snippet, or some pithy magazine morsels to share. Read Chapter 5 in KWR’s What You Know by Heart, (KWR, p ). Choose and read one of the author chapter interviews from a Ralph Fletcher book. Sum up the 1 thing you wish to “carry with you in your heart” from your author interview. Julie Anderson & Charmion Mohning, Cy-Fair I.S.D.
42 This video clip from City Slickers (1991) features Curly, the “tough as nails” trail boss, sharing his wisdom to “find the one thing” that matters with Mitch, an average Joe in the midst of a mid-life crisis.