Child & Youth Education Services. Child & Youth Education Services (CYES) PURPOSE: Provide CYP leadership an overview and update of CYES programming School.


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Presentation transcript:

Child & Youth Education Services

Child & Youth Education Services (CYES) PURPOSE: Provide CYP leadership an overview and update of CYES programming School Liaison Officer (SLO) Role Strengthen CYP Leadership of CYES Policy, procedures, and processes Measures of Success Challenges The Future

Congressional Requirements “Youth Sponsorship” –Title 10 U.S.C.. §1785, –Requires that there be at each military installation a youth sponsorship program to facilitate the integration of dependent children of members of the armed forces into new surroundings when moving to that military installation as a result of a parent’s permanent change of station. “Special Education Support” –Title 10 U.S.C. §1781c, Support for Military Families with Special Needs

School Liaison Core Responsibilities 7 Core Program SLO Responsibilities School Transition Support: PCS Cycle Deployment Support K12 Special Education System Navigation Home School Support Partnerships in Education (PIE) Post Secondary Preparation Opportunities Command, Installation, School, Community Communications Youth Sponsorship (SBP = SLO & Youth) OCONUS SLO responsible for USDA Free & Reduced Meal Program (FARM) OCONUS Non DoDDS School Program (NDSP)

Serve as installation subject matter expert for Youth Education, Transition, K-12 School, and Deployment issues for CO’s, Parents, and Educators Develop solutions in partnership with local schools to overcome barriers to successful education/ school transitions Permanent Change of Station (PCS) Deployments Youth Sponsorship Special Education (IEP, 504 Plan Integration & Advocacy) Collaborate with local schools, community, and installation organizations Provides outreach connectivity to geo-dispersed “military” families: Activated Reserve, Recruiting Command and NROTC( customer catchment areas = up to 1 hour normal commute from base) Specific Roles for the SLO

Common Education Issues for Parents Inconsistencies from state-to-stateSchool Calendars Non-DoDDS School Program (NDSP) Challenges Course content sequencing Grad requirements: Credits, Courses, Testing Extracurricular eligibilitySchedules (block vs traditional)Special Education challenges Transfer of recordsCredit transfers Grading criteria Honors & AP courses Scholarship availabilitySocial & Emotional Deployment support Senior movesSchool quality

CYES “Delivery System” CO’s, Parents, Educators (Customers of CYES) Internal CYES – SLO CYP FFSP Deployment Support EFMP Liaison Ombudsman Other Installation resources Wounded Warrior & Safe Harbor Gold Star Navy-DoD Provided Contract Support MFLC (270+ schools) STOMP DirectSTEP Special Ed Connect Trevor Romain Resiliency MCEC Other programming funded by Navy & DoD Military Once Source (MOS) External & Community Public Schools Public Charter Schools Private Schools Local & State, Community Partnerships, NGO etc… DoDEA Dept of ED, SEA, LEA

Program Staffing –Installation Collateral Duty (<400) = assigned another director –Small (>400, <700) = 1701 NF04/GS-9 –Medium/Large (>700) = 1701 NF04/GS-11 –Region SLO (>25,000) = 1701 NF04/GS-12 –Dual-hat Region SLO = <25,000 (collateral duty) 60 dedicated SLO’S 21 Dual hatted SLO’s Region = 5 dedicated Dual Hatted - 7 Installation = 55 dedicated Dual Hatted - 14 Hq-level FTE = 1 CYES Management Standards

Organizational Structure Administrative Chain of Command Operational (Day-to-Day) SLO Installation CO Parent LEA & Community Leaders Installation CO N9N92N926SLO

Communication Protocols CNIC (USN)*** Navy Region SLO Hq, DoDEA (DoDEA-P, DoDEA-E, DoDEA-A), US Dept of ED Installation SLO State Dept of Education (DoDEA-E/P, DDESS) District Superintendent School Principal Department of Navy (DON) Execution DoD MC&FP (CD) Installation: CO Youth Program FFSP EFMP Local SLO Policy

School Based Programming (SBP) Programming delivered where our kids attend school. The mission of “Connections: Navy School-Based Programming” initiative is to cultivate an environment supportive of transitioning families, school preparedness, and military mission readiness. Up to 80% of CONUS families live off-base; 100% attend public-private schools OCONUS: Most attend DoDEA schools

SBP Models Around the Navy NRSE: Leveraging small space example SLO partnering with MWR Marketing using school space for resources NRSW: Youth Director, Teen Coordinator, SLO, collaboration with Lemoore HS NRSW: Silver Strand using SKYPE for MCPON to communicate with DEPLOYED parent ROTA: SBP Training-prep for growth of FDNF—Schools, SLO, CYP partnerships NRH: Radford HS- The Original SBP—circa 1999 – First Transition Center with dedicated classroom

MILITARY INTERSTATE CHILDREN’S COMPACT COMMISSION (MIC3) –The compact leverages consistency: Provides a consistent policy in every school district and in every state. –The compact addresses key educational transition issues encountered by military families including enrollment, placement, attendance, eligibility and graduation. –Creates uniform policy to resolve challenges military children face. All 50 States have signed. Navy is DoD Military for following State Councils; –American Samoa, California, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Florida, Guam, Maine, Mississippi, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Northern Marianas, Oregon, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Virginia, Virgin Islands, –Installation CO is DoD Representative and SLO is the SME –SLOs who are SME for the above States attend Annual MIC3 meeting Interstate Compact = Legislative process, legally binding between states

SLO, Commanders, FFSP. and all base agencies connected to parents, educators Parents empowered to be their child’s advocate A current Local Action Plan in place or MOA/MOU Reduction in parent – school conflicts Mutually beneficial partnerships (internal/external) Improved military member readiness Program Success

Community Engagement Successes Navy CO’s engaged with School, community issues from local to state Youth Sponsorship, Deployment Support, Special Education System Navigation School-Based Programs: deliver program in schools our children attend Before and After Care programs on and off-based Homework centers work with local schools – BGCA “Power Hour” Youth Sponsorship linked to Schools (OCONUS + some CONUS) Center Based Impact—School- Age, Youth/Teen; 50,000 Children Adopt A School programs – volunteerism by our Sailors CNO STEM programs – enhancing academic rigor CNO Diversity outreach – reaching into all parts of our communities Partnerships In Education = Outreach: CO’s redoubling efforts to work with communities and community schools

CYES Needs Your Assistance! SLO Web Page Updates (always current). Ensure CYES- SLO information is available on installations Social Media Navy Leadership Support of Compact on Education MIC3 (Region-Installation) Local School Based Programs (SBP); ingenuity and resourcefulness Local Action Planning (LAP) Installation > LEA Connect SLO Funding Comm Protocols: Chain of Command support. CO > SLO > LEA and LEA > SLO > CO – SLO keeps COC informed

Navy’s Future Focus Navy-DoD Add Youth Sponsorship to DoD Request for Care Web-Based System, “Military Child Care” for program delivery and accountability Installation/Region Leaders Increase State support of Compact on Education and the Military Student Identifier in all states. Hq Navy Improve access to Special Education Tools for Military families (parents are the best advocate) Leadership support for Military Student Identifier. Build resiliency in all Core Areas of CYES

Child & Youth Education Services (CYES) School – SLO – YP Roles Defined in Chapter 8

CYES Reporting Tool Data collection tool for measuring needs of Navy families and CYES ability to meet their needs. Measured by SY Data Input quarterly

Example of Data from CYES Tool School Year Results