Aboriginal Economies Heartland & Hinterland National Policy The Canadian Economy & 21 st Century
Row 1, Col 1 Aboriginals and First Nations had this concept at the center of their world view? Sustainability and Biodiversity
1,2 What economic system was based on obtaining gold, other natural resources and the exploitation of colonies? Mercantilism
1,3 What were three aspects of the National Policy? 1.Westward expansion & settlement 2.Protective Tariffs 3.Construction of a railway linking the east and west coasts.
1,4 Many experts believe that _______ is necessary because of a projected population decline that could start by 2010 and may result in labour-shortages spurring a decline in economic growth. immigration
2,1 These people lived in longhouses and farmed in the St. Lawrence lowlands? Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) Six Nations Confederacy
2,2 During the era of “wooden ships and iron men” while Nova Scotia was the hinterland where was the heartland? Great Britain
2,3 This leader fought for the preservation and protection of the Metis culture and way of life? Louis Riel
2,4 In 1871, 83 % of Canada’s population lived in a rural environment. What percentage of Canada’s population resided in an urban environment according to the 2001 census? 1951 (56 %), 1971 (65 %), 2001 (80 %) urban
3,1 What medical cure helped Jacques Cartier and his crew in 1536? A cure for scurvy. It was a drink made from cedar bark & needles. Rich in Vitamin C. Provided by the Wendat (Huron).
3,2 A Royal Charter by the English King in 1670 created this company with a monopoly over 8 million square kilometers of territory? Hudson Bay Company
3,3 This late 19 th century Canadian Prime Minister was from Nova Scotia? Sir Charles Tupper 1896
3,4 The absence of government regulation toward economic matters? Laissez-Faire Economics
4,1 A celebratory feast in which the host family shared it’s wealth with other members of the community? The Potlatch. Pacific Coast societies (Haida, Songish, Comox) It was also a means of dealing with the economic and social inequalities within a village. It was also a way for the host family to establish it’s influence and prestige.
4,2 These were implemented to protect infant Canadian industry? Protective Tariffs / Taxes on imported goods
4,3 Low wages and long hours gave rise to unions negotiating working conditions with employers. This process is known as ? Collective Bargaining
4,4 What was the date of the stock market crash at the end of the “roaring twenties”? October 29 th 1929
5,1 Name the “Three Sisters” used by the Haudenosaunee? Beans, squash and corn. This was done because the Six Nations had developed a unique method of growing that included biodiversity and sustainability.
5,2 With the formation of Canada this region evolved into the industrial heartland? Upper Canada / Ontario
5,3 The human toll of constructing the CPR was high. This group often did the dangerous work of blasting through difficult areas? Chinese labourers & immigrants. 600 people of Chinese descent died during the construction. Some have said, “One person for every mile of track.”
5,4 In April 2001 leaders of the western Hemisphere met here to discuss the FTAA (Free Trade Agreement of the Americas)? Quebec City Quebec City. There was also a a large protest in relation to many unfair labour practices and environmental degradation that stem from economic globalization.