Why we were fighting… The 13 colonies had grown tired of the demands and unfair practices of King George III and Parliament We wanted freedom from: Quartering British soldiers Taxation without representation We wanted freedom to: Have jury trials Trade with other countries Make our own laws for our colonies
Where was the Battle of Yorktown? The battle was in Yorktown, Virginia, located on the Chesapeake Bay
Map of the Battle of Yorktown
Who were we fighting? This was who we were fighting, the redcoats
This was our leader, GENERAL GEORGE WASHINGTON, he lead us through the fight
THE FRENCH ARE COMING, THE FRENCH ARE COMING!! They are coming to attack the British They were our allies helping us fight the British
Who was the French leader? Lieutenant General Rochambeau
Who was the British Leader? General Charles Cornwallis
Cornwallis was a loyal soldier But he opposed nearly all of the British policies that led to the American Revolution.
Why did Cornwallis choose Yorktown? Cornwallis set up at Yorktown where it was easy for British ships to land supplies
Battle Strategy Washington’s troops surrounded the British on land and the French ships blocked their escape in the Chesapeake Bay
American troops storming the redoubt A redoubt is a protective place of refuge or defense
The British Surrender Cornwallis claimed he was too sick to attend the surrender ceremony
Importance of Yorktown The Battle of Yorktown did not end the war, but it was the last battle in the colonies and was the beginning of the end
The signing of the Treaty of Paris on September 3, 1783, officially ended the American Revolution