ME:Richard Dzionara-Norsen Jeffery Flowerday Jonathan Nguyen IE: Kassandra Schlott 1
Background Key Points from Boston Trip Improved Requirements Final Design Changes from P13032 Feasibility Schedule 2
The Skipper’s Chair is undergoing its 3rd design iteration. The 1st iteration improved upon Keith Burhan’s original concept, while the 2nd iteration focused on the ergonomics to make it adjustable to a larger user base. This iteration is focused on a product that will be used by Piers Park Sailing. 3
Ease of install into Sonar Sailboat ◦ Maximum weight per piece must be supported by a single individual Sense of freedom for sailor ◦ Securing device must not over-secure the sailor Forces from weather helm and lee helm ◦ Sailor must be able to “feel” forces on rudder Sailor must know the rudder position without constantly looking backwards 4
Needs to steer boat Removable chair system System should be used for more than one season Ease of adjustment to new user 5
Focus more on tractor seat design Needs to be both portable and easier to install Emphasis on material selection Would be ideal for little to no adjustment time for user 6
Steps required to release rudder in emergency Minimize line cross-over Tools needed Environmental Resistance to Wear Make seat vertically adjustable to boom height 7
Utilize Jib Transfer Bench Handholds: ◦ Less bulky ◦ Ease of attachment ◦ Both Sailing MSD Teams same design 13
Utilize a lever-arm steering system: ◦ Mechanical advantage ◦ 1:1 or greater rope displacement-to- effort exerted 14
Utilize parts of a common wheelchair: ◦ Feels “natural” to paraplegics/quadriplegics Wheelchairs were designed for comfort ◦ Incorporate an available system and save time and reduce custom parts 15