wycliffe.org.uk What in the world is God doing ? An update on what’s happening through Bible translation around the world
wycliffe.org.uk ‘All these years I thought it was only the pastor who could understand what God was saying. But now I’m reading it, and I can understand what God is saying to me!’ a Moba speaker
wycliffe.org.uk There are 6,918 languages in the world
wycliffe.org.uk 513 languages have the whole Bible
wycliffe.org.uk 1,294 languages have the New Testament
wycliffe.org.uk 1,010 languages have smaller portions of the Bible
We are here to thank God for all that he has done, to pray for the work that is happening and still to start. ‘Prayer is the powerhouse of all we do.’ Stewart Johnson
wycliffe.org.uk ‘Many of those we talked to about the Lord thought we were telling fables until they heard the word of God by radio in their own language.’ Radio Broadcaster