1 Applied Ethics Section 2 Medical Ethics
2 History The history of medical ethics stretches from the Hippocratic Oath to modern bioethics, with the Nuremberg Code as a key step along the way.
3 History Many of the principles of medical ethics are detectable in & from this history, with autonomy as a key 20 th century emphasis.
4 Bioethics Arose in the 1970s after philosophers, such as John Rawls, Hans Jonas &, differently, Richard Hare, devised ways of applying ethical theory to issues of life & death.
5 Ethics of Abortion An innovative approach to the ethics of abortion was introduced by Judith Jarvis Thomson. Her approach was queried by consequentialists; of these, Hare’s approach is distinctive.
6 Principles-based Approach Tom Beauchamp & J.F. Childress emphasized the place of the following principles in medical ethics: Beneficence Non-maleficence Autonomy Justice.
7 Objections to Principles-based Approach Some objections focus on the interpretation of autonomy. Situationism: makes principles subordinate to judgements about cases.
8 But… Even if judgements about particular cases are sometimes more securely known than principles, the principles may still supply the reasons or justifications for the judgements.
9 To Consider What do you think is involved in respecting autonomy in medical contexts? Think about the role of principles in medical ethics and about situations where they may conflict.
10 Other Important Issues in Medical Ethics Issues relating to justice & international equity. The increasing spread of tropical diseases in poor countries due to global warming intensifies issues relating to the fair international distribution of medical resources.