Note Taking ABBREVAITATIONS/symbols ____Approximately ____ With ____ Without ____ Resulting in ____ As a result of ____Most importantly ____Less than ____The same as, equal to ____ Increasing ____ Especially ____ Paragraph ____ Following ____ Which ____ Each ____ At or amount ____ And or also ____ Change ____ Greater than ____ Decreasing ____ Therefore ff Wh/ Ea. > + ¶ ∴ * W/ < = w/o Esp. ≈
After Class : Go Back Over Your Notes to Fill the Blanks and Find the Spots That Need Further Clarification. You don’t have to recopy your notes if you take good notes to begin with. You just have to smooth out the rough spots. How to study: Regular, periodic review is the most effective way to really learn any material. Study groups: Select 4-6 people who are as smart or a little smarter than you are. Too smart means you’ll get lost. Too far behind means you’ll do all the work and you won’t benefit.