Career Cruising Resume Builder
Resume Builder The Resume Builder can be found on the Career Cruising home screen upon logging in. The tab is located on the menu on the left side of the screen “Build My Resume”
Getting Started To begin, choose the content you want to include in your resume by leaving a check mark in the box next to the content area. Remove the check if you do not want to include that section. Select the pencil icon to enter and edit the information in each section. Please note, some of the information stored in your SSP will populate to your resume. Be sure to make changes if necessary.
Entering Information ▪ Select the pencil (edit tool) next to the content you wish to update. ▪ Select the “+ add…experience” and enter the information in the appropriate fields. ▪ Once you have entered all the information click “Save” at the bottom. ▪ You will repeat these steps for each content area you wish to update.
Format & Print Once you have entered all of the information you would like to include to complete the resume, select the “Format & Print” tab on the right side of the page.
Format & Print Continued Step 1: choose an appropriate resume style. You can select Professional, Elegant or Contemporary examples to preview each format. Step 2: Choose the order you would like to organize the content by clicking and dragging. Save the order of your selections. Step 3:Preview your finished product.
Printing Tips You can print your resume directly from Career Cruising BUT it will print with the Career Cruising URL on the bottom of the resume. Tip: Export your resume to a word document so the URL will not appear. Likewise, you CANNOT perform spell check from the Career Cruising site. It is always best to copy and paste to a word document to check for spelling and grammatical errors!