Kristi Ferguson Linda Perkowski
11 objectives for our curriculum reform Examples Increased flexibility in scheduling offers more opportunities for faculty to participate Increased flexibility will lead to greater student satisfaction, an improved learning environment, and enhanced ability for students to focus in an area of interest
Information sheet about evaluation of new curriculum for entering students Each project will still have an exempt information sheet, but specific consent is not required
Will establish an oversight team who will review proposals that meet certain criteria (related to curriculum renewal objectives, involve surveys that students will be given class time to complete thereby increasing response rates) ◦ Information sheet for investigators
Coordination of evaluation activities – anyone wanting access to students will need to go through this process ◦ Application to oversight committee ◦ Standardized template
Easier access to data for educational scholars by creating a data repository of variables of interest that can be de-identified and matched to other data
Reduction of review burden for IRB – once approved, the IRB will review the Umbrella IRB once/year Should reduce turn-around time