DHHS COE Meeting Agenda May 19, 2011 Welcome Introductions Contract Compliance Reporting Questions and Answers DHHS Open Windows Update
Office of Procurement & Contract Services Quarter 3 – SFY 2011 Contract Report for Center of Excellence May 2011
Average Number of Days Contract or Amendment Approvals Q3 (RFPs not included)
Average Number of Days Contract or Amendment Approvals Q3
Contract and Amendment Approval Times Q3 (RFPs not included)
Department Timely Approvals Q3 Monthly Comparison
Department Timely Approvals Q1, Q2 & Q3
Divisions submitting all contracts prior to the effective date Q3 Division of Child Development Division of Health Service Regulation Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Office of Rural Health & Community Care
Compliance Rating Q3
Compliance Rating Q3 Monthly Comparison 61% 43% 50% 49% In Compliance %
Areas of Compliance Q3
Q3 - Divisions with a Compliance Rating at or above 90% Division of Child Development Division of Health Service Regulation Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Office of Rural Health & Community Care
Contract Approval Process Q1, Q2 & Q3 (RFPs not included) Correct approvals and signatures Out of the contracts or amendments reviewed by OPCS, percentage that went through the correct approval process: Q1 99% Q2 100% Q3 99%
Approval Process Q1, Q2 & Q3 Monthly Comparison
Required Documents Q1, Q2 & Q3 (RFPs not included) Includes all required documentation Out of the contracts or amendments reviewed by OPCS, percentage that had the correct documents in the package : Q1 98% Q2 97% Q3 99%
Required Documents Q1, Q2 & Q3 Monthly Comparison
Timely Approvals Q1, Q2 & Q3 (RFPs not included) Submitted to OPCS before effective date Out of the contracts or amendments reviewed by OPCS, percentage that had approvals before the effective date: Q1 65% Q2 76% Q3 54%
Timely Approval Q1, Q2 & Q3 Monthly Comparison
Performance Measures Q1, Q2 & Q3 (RFPs not included) Contract includes required measures Out of the contracts or amendments reviewed by OPCS, percentage that had all performance measures included: Q1 87% Q2 100% Q3 96%
Performance Measures Q1, Q2 & Q3 Monthly Comparison
COE Review Q1, Q2 & Q3 (RFPs not included) COE Review was completed Chairs or designee approved contracts and/or amendments Out of the contracts or amendments reviewed by OPCS, percentage that had COE approval: Q1 100% Q2 99% Q3 100%
COE Review Q1, Q2 & Q3 Monthly Comparison
Other Items Identified in the Review Q1, Q2 & Q3 (RFPs not included) Edits, budget corrections, encumber funds, incorrect data, contract system Out of the contracts or amendments reviewed by OPCS, percentage that did not have any other items to address: Q1 85% Q2 84% Q3 92%
Other Items Identified in the Review Q1, Q2 & Q3 Monthly Comparison
Performance Measure Quality Rating ****Performance Based Contracting quality rating was not captured this quarter, but will continue to be an important focus as we migrate to DHHS Open Window. A basic 3 point rating scale is utilized to determine the quality of measures in PBCs. Scale: 1=Average; 2 = Good and 3 = Excellent Rating Definition Demand: The intended beneficiaries/targeted population/ and number of units to be served in the contract are clearly identified and defined Input: The amount of resources required to provide the services to the customer are clearly identified Output: The quantity of the services expected to be completed or provided to the customer are clearly identified Outcome: Outcome measures are aligned with the contracts goals and objectives and clearly reflect a result, consequence, or a particular benefit Service Quality: Quality measures clearly evaluate customer satisfaction with the service or product provided or the appropriateness of the service being provided or how the service was provided Efficiency: Cost relationship of input to outputs to outcomes are identified
COE Meeting Schedule DHHS COE Quarterly Meetings Scheduled SFY 2011 Adams :00 am – 11:00 am – End of Fiscal Year 2010 Report – August 19, 2010 – Quarter 1 Report and updates – November 10, 2010 – Quarter 2 Report and updates – February 16, 2011 – Quarter 3 Report and updates – May 18, 2011 Please send your Division ’ s COE meeting schedule to:
Other Items New Fund Structure – Pending approval by OSBM DHHS Excels and DHHS Open Window – Golden opportunity to fully embrace DHHS Excels to make things better, streamlined and more efficient.
DHHS Open Window Update DHHS Open Window Public has search, view, and reporting capabilities on fields designated for public view. Division Service/Budget information IS LIVE Contract information is still READ ONLY until we go live. Continue using the current DHHS Contract System for data entry until notified otherwise. Continue to clean up the database – is this the information you want the public to see?
New Item Provider Area – This is where the provider will come into Open Window and update their information, forms, certifications, and access parts of the contract information (budget & SOW) to complete in the system.
DHHS Open Window Update Key features we would like you to be aware of: – Separate Areas to start entering your RFP/Q/A data before it is awarded into contract(s) – Electronic Approval Process (for signature approvals) – Contract Creation within the system. The contracts will be entered and maintained in the system – from start to finish – This will mean a change in your business processes as they are today – be ready and flexible to be able to meet the needs of this change for your division
DHHS Open Window Update It is VERY important : – Set up a group of people within your division - that will be able to answer general questions regarding Open Window. – All questions/communication need to go through the division (contacts and/or user groups) before routing to the department. There will be a ‘learning curve’ at first where everyone needs to get up to speed, but it is expected that the divisions will train new users internally. We plan to have training tools available to assist in this process in the future. – Department technical assistance will be available to those division representatives.
DHHS Open Window Update Be ready: – Divisions will be setting up Access and User Roles internally. Your division has been sent a tool that may be of help. – Divisions will have the ability to update certain areas of information (i.e.: Provider info.) and set up internal tracking for processes. – Communicate to contract administrators regarding how the measures should be entered into the system and the measures/scope of work roll up.
DHHS Open Window Update The following slides will give you information you need to be able to access the PRACTICE SITE for DHHS Open Window. Please be aware that we are still finishing up some changes BEFORE going live, but this will give you an opportunity to look at the layout and information collected. Please pass this information on to your Contract Administrators. They will be key in starting the contracts IN THE SYSTEM rather than routing the paper documents like we have been doing in the past. You will need to log in using your NCID and password: Once you have logged in, we will need to set up your individual access before you can move through the system. We would like to coordinate access through one person within each division that will be asked to manage user roles.
Sign In Screen The link to the Practice Site can be found on the OPCS site in the Open Window folder UserName: Your NCID Password: Your individual NCID password that you have set up Once you have successfully logged in for the first time, you will need to have your access set up by a System Administrator before you can navigate through the system. So, Log out and contact the System Administrator to finish the second step in this process.