Mr Rylatt05 January 2016 Protecting Fragile Environments Lesson: Investigating National Parks and Reserves
Mr Rylatt05 January 2016 Protecting Fragile Environments There are many different levels of protection given to fragile environments They range from the international level right down to the local level In Australia the Nature Conservation Act 2002 and the National Parks and Reserves Management Act 2002 set out the legal framework for protecting these areas.
World Heritage Sites The United Nations lists sites of special cultural and natural significance that must be preserved Worldwide there are: –704 cultural sites –180 natural sites –27 mixed sites In Australia there are 18 WH sites.Australia Mr Rylatt05 January 2016
Identifies 8 types of location that need to be protected. Each one is a different type of location and has different levels of protection National Park State Reserve Nature Reserve Game Reserve Conservation Area Nature Recreation Area Regional Reserve Historic Site Mr Rylatt05 January 2016 Nature Conservation Act 2002
Mr Rylatt05 January 2016 Task To fill in the linked document with details about: –World Heritage Sites –The Nature Conservation Act 2002 –The different types of parks and reserves that are identified in Australia. –Task FileTask File