PS 5-3 Integration –Discrete data –Polynomial functions Differentiation –Discrete data –Polynomial functions Roots (i.e., zeros) of functions –Polynomial –Other
File ps53a Start with time and acceleration data Demonstrates: –Integrate discrete data (cumtrapz, trapz) –Curve fit discrete data (polyfit, polyval) Save file ps53a.m to your H:\ drive and modify to: –Calculate position data –Curve fit the velocity data –Curve fit the position data –Plot data and curves
File ps53b Start with time and position data Demonstrates: –Integrate polynomials –Differentiate polynomials –Find roots (zeros) of polynomials Save file ps53b.m to your H:\ drive and modify to: –Calculate numerical approximation of acceleration data –Determine polynomial representations for position and acceleration based upon best fit polynomial for velocity data –Find roots of position, velocity, and acceleration curves. –Plot position, velocity, and acceleration curves
File ps53c Start with two arbitrary functions: y = x 4 - 3x x x + 14 y = 2cos(x) - 3sin(x/3) Demonstrates: –Representing functions as inline functions (inline) –Finding roots of arbitrary functions (fzero) –Plotting (fplot) Save file ps53c.m to your H:\ drive and modify to: –Find all roots between –pi and pi –Plot the functions using fplot –Label x values of all roots