October, 2009 Magnet Electrical Systems Bob Lambiase October, 2009 Internal Review
October, Arcs and Spreader / Combiners Each arc contains: 18 dipoles, powered in series within that arc. : 29 quadrupoles, which are powered individually. :10 correctors (dipole trim or vertical window frame), which are powered individually. There are seven arcs, one each for 0.10, 0.75, 1.40,2.05, 2.70, 3.35, and 4.00 GeV beams. The 100 MeV pass contains the injector, the source and the beam dump. The 4.00 GeV pass contains the RHIC interaction region. The left and right spreader / combiner sections are similar, differing only in that the section with the 100 MeV arc requires a split magnet to accommodate the lowest energy beam. The dipole arrangement uses one common magnet path – either single or split, and three individual dipoles separate the beams of different energies. The quadrupoles in this section are connected in groups to reduce cost.
October, 2009 Spreader / Combiners 3 The left and right spreader / combiner sections are similar, differing only in that the section with the 100 MeV arc requires a split magnet to accommodate the lowest energy beam. The dipole arrangement uses one common magnet path – either single or split, and three individual dipoles separate the beams of different energies. The quadrupoles in this section are connected in groups to reduce cost.
October, 2009 Energy Recovery LINACs Each superconducting quadrupole will be powered with a bipolar ±150A, ±15V power supply, similar to that used for the quad trims in RHIC. The quench detection / protection system for the superconducting quads will be similar to that used for the RHIC sextupole power supplies. Each supply will individually sense load voltage and dump energy into a resistor using a thyristor switch. 4 There are two main ERLs. Each contain six cryostats with seven superconducting quadrupoles interleaved among the six cryostats. There is one 100 MeV injector ERL, which is connected to the main pass via two dog- legs. The magnetic system of the injector is comprised of eight dipoles, 20 quadrupoles and 12 trim dipoles. Dipoles are fed by 2 power supplies, while quadrupoles and trims have individual power supplies. Power supplies for the injector are similar to that of the R&D ERL. Detailed parameters of these power supplies have not been specified at this moment. The present assumption is that the number and the cost of these power supplies is at 10% level of those for the 4 GeV ERL.
October, 2009 Interaction Region & Spin Rotators DB – Four magnets, blue & yellow on either side of IP2, in series with trims. One 225kw bipolar and four 4.5kW trims. DB0 – Two magnets, blue & yellow on the Sector 1 side of IP2, in series with trims. One 100kW bipolar and two 4.5kW trims. DS - Two magnets, one on either side of IP2, in series with trims. One 100kW bipolar and two 4.5kW trims. DW – Two magnets, individually powered. Two 4.5 kW supplies. 5 The DX magnets are removed, and warm magnets are installed in the region between the D0 magnets at IP2. To reduce cost, these are connected in groups, and smaller trim supplies used for offsets. Two new spin rotators will be installed for MeRHIC. Each will be individually powered, and will consist of a commercial power supply, a control and regulation chassis, and a quench protection assembly which includes a DCCT.
October, 2009 Power Supply Inventory 6 ModelCurrent, AVoltage, VQty Correctors kW PS kW PS kW PS (4Q) kW PS kW PS (4Q) kW PS kW PS kW PS kW PS (4Q) kW PS kW PS (4Q) Quench Prot. Assy. 14
October, Magnet Electrical System Major procurements: –The 304 power supplies will be grouped into twelve models. Each of these twelve purchases will be a major procurement. –The procurement of the tray, cable, and installation of the tray will each be major procurements. The cable will be installed by BNL technical staff. Deliverables: The magnet electrical system will provide the power supplies and the cable and tray to deliver that power to the magnets.
October, Estimate by phase with contingency