The Coca Cola TNC
What is Coke? Coke is the first and most famous refreshing fizzy beverage known to man, discovered 126 years ago. In fact, Coke is the most recognizable trademark in the world. It is being purchased in bottle form and soda fountains and currently being sold in more than 200 countries. Dr. John Pemberton; the founder of Coca Cola
General Information Coke was established in the 1886. Coca Cola produces approximately 3,500 different beverages. It’s HQ is located in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, the birthplace of Coca Cola. Every country in the world sell coke except Iraq, Burma, Sudan, Cuba and North Korea. The first Coca Cola production site was in Atlanta, Georgia. Some of the main production sites around the world are in China, India, and the US.
History of Coke Jacob’s Pharmacy Dr. John Pemberton was experimenting with chemicals and various ingredients and boiled them into the Coca-Cola Syrup. He introduced it to Jacob’s Pharmacy in Atlanta, where they mixed it with carbonated water and sold it for 5 cents a glass. It was Dr. Pemberton’s book keeper’s idea to call it Coca-Cola and it was he who wrote the unmistakable logo with his own handwriting.
An Early Coke Advertisement It wasn’t soon until word about the drink spread. Obviously, sales began to increase. In 1888, John Pemberton Sold the secret recipe to Asa Griggs Candler whose idea it was to make the corporation. It was also his idea to produce and distribute Coke around the US. He promoted Coca Cola very cleverly and delivered the syrup in distinctive red kegs. Coke has been famous for years. An Early Coke Advertisement
Bottling of Coca Cola In 1899, two young attorney’s introduced the idea of bottling Coca Cola. Asa Candler thought it was a stupid idea, but he gave them the right to do it anyway. They mixed the top secret syrup with carbonated water and poured them in bottles. Coca Cola in bottle form was sold for one dollar. The people loved it.
International Spreading of Coca-Cola Soon after, with the new president of the Coca-Cola company, the drink began to spread internationally. He wanted every living soul to drink Coca-Cola. The new president’s ambitions were to increase the standards and quality of Coca-Cola and spread the Coca Cola traditions everywhere. Quite frankly, he was very successful. Today, everybody knows what Coca-Cola is and you can get a Coca-Cola anywhere.
New Coca Cola Products As people became aware of the health related dangers that Coca-Cola held within it’s products, people stopped buying the standard Coca-Cola drink. Coca-Cola then introduced the Diet Coke. This has revolutionized the world of soft drinks because it contains less sugars and calories. Coca-Cola also introduced Coke Zero, with absolutely zero sugar, hence the name, Coke Zero.
Coca-Cola also owns other companies and products to rival the other soft drink companies. Coca-Cola owns companies like Sprite and Fanta. These to companies rival 7up and Mirinda, and of course, Coca-Cola rivals Pepsi.
Use of Technology in Marketing Early Coca-Cola marketing such as ‘One free Coke’ coupons helped spread the word of Coke. They also used celebrities and artists to help their marketing and publicity stunts. Singers like Elvis Presley and The Beatles were some of the Artists that endorse Coke. As times changed, the company’s marketing strategies began to change. They used jingles and slogans to spread the word through the then new technologies of radio and early television. Nowadays, the company uses commercials on the T.V. and social networking sites to promote the product and keep it strong.
Use of Technology in Producing The soda fountain had been developed several years before Coca-Cola and was the prime ways of distributing the drink. However, nowadays, the making of the syrup, the bottling of the soda, and the distributing of the bottles are all done by machinery. Gigantic rotating cylinders mix the ingredients for the syrup. High speed jets send the syrup to bottling companies all over the world. Machines mix the syrup with the carbonated water making soda. Taps pour the soda into the bottles over conveyor belts, hundreds at a time. Fuel efficient trucks distribute the bottles to various stores, shops, and restaurants.
to bottle and pack the drinks while under the surveillance of workers. Just like most TNCs, Coca Cola outsources and manufactures the drinks in LEDCs (Less Economically Developed Countries). Coca Cola also has factories in MEDCs (More Economically Developed Countries) places such as Las Vegas, Nevada Coca Cola has huge factories in India and China. These factories use advanced robotic technology to bottle and pack the drinks while under the surveillance of workers.
The Mind Behind the Madness The reasons Coca-Cola was so successful is because of three reasons: The first reason is just what it was. Something like soda was known at the time, but when Coca-Cola came out, it was something completely new. For some, it was a life-changing invention. Coca-Cola was the first of its kind, so it had the stage to itself. It went on with its advertising and marketing, making it more popular by the minute. By the time imitators came up, Coca- Cola had a firm grasp on the people, which eventually led to failure for the imitators after some time. The third reason is that Coca-Cola caters to an international community. Its song “I’d like to teach the world to sing” depicts youths from all over the world gathered on a hilltop to sing together. Coca-Cola always gave off a feeling of togetherness that attracted people to it.
How Coca Cola’s Strategies Improved First of, Coca Cola began using other marketing methods such as social network advertisements. This helps Coke keeps it’s social stature and drastically helps it’s status. Everyone in the world, of course knows what Coca Cola is, but the company still advertises, this happens so no other beverage company has a chance against them. Coca Cola is truly a miracle-working TNC
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