Internet safety Sticking to the rules will make your life a lot easier.
Contents Smart XX Safety XX Virus XX Slide 4 XX Slide 5 XX n Slide 6 XX
Smart Safe - be safe on the internet. Never give out your password to anyone. n Meeting - make sure you are not meeting with the person you don’t know. Only meet up with person you know. n Accepting - only accept things from people you know. Like s, IM messages, open files, attached files e.c.t. n Reliable - some people tell lies on the internet so do not believe in them. Any tell your personal to people you know. n Tell - if someone tells you something bad or threatens you about something tell your adults. Never keep it to yourself the adults will work it out.
SAFTEY n Always be safe on the internet. To be safe never accept things from people you don’t know. They might be filled with virus.virus n Tell someone when you are being abused or threatened. Keeping it to yourself will only bring more trouble. n Never meet up with a person you don’t know. They might be a different person than you expected.
Topic Three n Details about this topic n Supporting information and examples n How it relates to your audience
Real Life n Give an example or real life anecdote n Sympathize with the audience’s situation if appropriate
What This Means n Add a strong statement that summarizes how you feel or think about this topic n Summarize key points you want your audience to remember
Next Steps n Summarize any actions required of your audience n Summarize any follow up action items required of you