CCPS Internet Safety Policy school year
The Internet and other Instructional Technologies in the classroom Are valuable tools for learning Engage students to use 21 st century tools Have a positive impact on education Allow for student creativity Enable students to gather, evaluate and use information Bring the students into the world they live
Students are expected to Use telecommunications for curriculum- related purposes Practice responsible, ethical, and legal behavior Observe copyright laws Use appropriate language and behavior Be considerate of others Recognize that technology is a tool to facilitate learning
Students may not Access information inconsistent with curriculum-related purposes Violate the privacy of others Reveal personal information Use telecommunications for any personal gain or illegal purpose Degrade or disrupt the telecommunication system
Cyberbulling is strictly prohibited as are other forms of computer misuse The consequences of unacceptable use are decided by the principal or teacher in charge and could result in the cancellation of this privilege, or other discipline action, such as suspension or expulsion
The Internet and other Instructional Technologies in the classroom Will model real-world application and authentic problem solving Will allow students to collaborate and interact with peers Will offer students more choices Will allow students to develop a stronger understanding of technology Will allow students to apply digital tools in the classroom
Resources Carroll County Student Handbook - k.pdf National Educational Technology Standards for Students ents.htm h tt p :/ / w w w. c a r r o ll k 1 2. o r g / a s s e t s / F il e / C C P S % 2 0 N e w s / s t u d e n t h a n d b o o k. p d f