DAY 1 MON. OCT. 19 TH OBJECTIVES & PREBELL QUESTIONS Objective(s): The student will identify terminology. The student will perform keyboard application. PREBELL QUESTIONS: Describe one advantage of electronic mail than regular mail.
Monday Daily Agenda Pre-Bell Question: Describe one advantage of electronic mail than regular mail. 1. The teacher will introduce the lesson and the purpose of this lesson. 2. The student will complete Pre-Assessment on /Internet Safety online The teacher will discuss terminology with students today and allow students to go to the website and and read about safety. 3. The teacher will allow students to complete terminology in their notebook. 4. The students will continue lessons on Edu Typing, If not completed.— Remedial Activities 5. If time permits, teacher will introduce skills on Word Pad Computer Lesson using this website Enrichment 6. Closure: Wrap up with a review. Homework: Create sentences with terms
TUES. DAY 2 OBJECTIVE & PREBELL QUESTION OBJECTIVE: The student will analyze the appropriate netiquettes. Tuesday, Oct. 20, 2015 Pre Bell Question: Choose One: Explain the difference between inbox and outbox using your terms. DOK1 2) How private do you think information such as your messages that you post on the Internet is as it relates to the workplace or personal use? Justify your answer. DOK 2
Day 2 Daily Agenda Tuesday, Oct. 20, 2015 Activities/Procedures Pre Bell Question: Choose One: Explain the difference between inbox and outbox using your terms. DOK1 2) How private do you think information such as your messages that you post on the Internet is as it relates to the workplace or personal use? Justify your answer. DOK 2 1. The teacher will introduce lesson by stating the objective and purpose of lesson. During the introduction, facts will be shared and engage students with probing questions to peak their interest. (Remind class of prior lesson on ethical/unethical behaviors and real-life situations. The teacher will introduce and set the stage about online security and safety with the students. 2. The teacher will discuss Netiquette/E-Safety with students –See Power Point and Video Clip—Whole Group Activity— Use Questioning and Discussion 3. Small Cooperative Group Activity-See Scenarios—See Attachment— Lang. Arts Integration 3. The students will search for more Netiquette and place in their notebook. See website –More Remedial Activities 4. Continue Keyboarding Application on Edu Keyboarding-Ongoing/Remedial and Challenging Activity –See Attachment 5. Step 4 Closure – 5-10 minutes The student will complete Closure Assignment (question) and then discuss responses with their shoulder partner. Write their answer on the color coded index cards and place in the exit ticket container. Teacher will remind students about Weekly Post-Test Assessment on Friday. If students do not complete their Choice Scenario Activity, extra tine will be given on Day 3 Homework: Continue creating sentences with terms.
DAY 3 PREBELL & OBJECTIVE OBJECTIVE: The student will demonstrate how to use electronic mail and how it works. The student will send and receive correctly Wednesday, Oct. 21, 2015 Pre Bell Question: Describe an Netiquette--see Day 2 Lesson
Day 3 Wed. Daily Agenda Wednesday, Oct. 21, 2015 Activities/Procedures Pre Bell Question: Describe an Netiquette--see Day 2 Lesson 1. The teacher will introduce lesson, homework reminder, and give purpose. 2. The teacher will demonstrate how to use and how it works. 3. The teacher will go over the Activities. 4. The students will work on the Activities-sending and receiving on Canvas and continue working on Edu Typing. Integration of Language Arts 5. The teacher will allow students to work with skills and activities on Word Pad Lessons on 6. Wrap up with a Homework: Complete all sentences with terms.
DAY 4 THURS. OBJECTIVE & PREBELL OBJECTIVE: Day 4- The student will analyze scenarios by practicing the responsible use of technology through Cyber Safety. Day 1-5-Ongoing Objective--The student will perform keyboard application Thursday-Oct. 22, 2015: Choose One 1. Pre-Bell Question: Describe cyber bullying by giving examples of it. 2. Who do you think is responsible for making sure the Internet is safe and secure for everyone? (Think about local police, government agencies, individual users, etc.) If the government is involved, who should be most responsible? Be sure to thoroughly explain your answer. Justify your answer. DOK 2
Day 4 Daily Agenda Thursday, Oct. 22, 2015 Activities/Procedures: Pre-Bell Question: –Choose One 1. Describe cyber bullying by giving examples of it. Reply on Canvas. DOK Who do you think is responsible for making sure the Internet is safe and secure for everyone? (Think about local police, government agencies, individual users, etc.) If the government is involved, who should be most responsible? Be sure to thoroughly explain your answer. Justify your answer. DOK 2 1. The teacher will introduce the lesson, check homework, and the purpose on Cyber Safety. Teacher will start the presentation with probing questions by engaging students in the lesson. 2. The teacher will explain and demonstrate how to behave responsibly while online by explaining the C3 concepts and incorporating the use of WWW Decision Tool to make wise choices when using the Internet. Resources: The students will complete scenarios that highlight the C3 issue in pair- group setting.—Integration Activity-Language Arts 4. The students will discuss answers orally 5. (Remedial Activity-Edu Typing lesson –Enrichment: Challenging Activity on Cyber Safety-See Reporting Form) 6... Closure: Wrap up with a review/Pair and Share -Exit Ticket HOMEWORK: Complete Cyber Safety Homework Assignment Sheet.
DAY 5 OBJ. & PREBELL OBJECTIVE: The student will demonstrate their strengths and weaknesses on skills related to , cyber safety, keyboarding and word processing. Friday, Oct. 23, Pre Bell Question: Explain What Forwarding A Message Is.
Day 5 Daily Agenda Friday Oct. 23, 2015-Procedures & Activities Friday Pre Bell Question: Explain what forwarding a message is. 1. The teacher will introduce today's lesson to students. 2. The students will complete weekly post test on E- mail skills and concepts on Canvas. 3. The students will continue keyboarding lessons on Edu Typing. 4. Turn in all work for weekly evaluation.